Quidditch Worldcip semi-finals gambling

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Uhmm... I have to tell you that the bet's are the old bet's of de gamblers plus the mony they won from their opponent. So... Now you know it, I thought it might be something to tell you. Enjoy reading everybody! Xoxox the Pineapple

~Harry against Professor McGonnagal~

Harry's bet: 27 Galleons and 7 Sickels

Professor McGonnagal's bet: 19 Galleons, 4 Sickels and 3 Knuts

Harry: ''Go Bulgaria!! You absolutaly are going to win! Ireland isn't in the game anymore, so of course Bulgaria's gonna win!''

Professor McGonnagal: ''I wouldn't be so sure of that Potter! Dumbledore was really sure about it, that Nigeria would win, but they didn't!! YEAH! Japan is probably better than anyone would expect! I love those plit eyes! I want them to!''

(Sorry if you have, but see it on the bright side, she loves it!!)

Harry: ó.Ò

Professor McGonnagal: *Makes her eyes like spliteyes* ''Does it look good?''

Harry: *Facepalm*

Harry: ''Professor, if you like those eyes so much, maybe you have to go to the Plastic Surgery.''

Professor McGonnagal: ''To the plastic what-?''

Harry: *Facepalm*

~Hermione against Voldemort~

Hermione's bet: 3 Galleons, 3 Sickels and 6 Knuts

Voldemort's bet: 3 Gelleons, 6 Sickels and if he looses he won't kill Hermione (He keeps the copy of 'The Proove of the Existance of the Crumple-Horned Snorcack' because he needs it to add the Crumple-Horned Snorcack to his army and he's addicted to the book)

Hemione: ''BRAZIL WOOP WOOP!!''

Voldemort: ''How about no?''

Hermione: ''Well, Brazil is more used to the weather in Argentinia, you know, those two countries lay close to each other.''

Voldemort: ''Yeah... You nerdy you.''

Hermione: ''You noselessy you.''

Voldemort: ''Heey! Keep you're nose out of businesses like this!''

Hermione: ''I have a nose to-''

Voldemort: ''Don't!''

Hermione: ''Well, I don't have a red haze for my eyes what blocks me seeing well anyway.''

Voldemort: ''AVADA-''

Hermione: ''Did Luna take you already to rehab?''

Voldemort: ''What do you mean?''

Hermione: ''You have to kill less people.''

Voldemort: *Facepalm*

~Barty Crouch against Dolorus Umbridge~

Barty's bet: 5 Galleons, 5 Sickels and 4 Knuts

Umbridge's bet: 1 Knut (She actually thinks this gamblings are nonsense)


Umbridge: ''Since when are you like that?''

Barty: ''Since I won from Ludo Bagman!!''

Ludo: ''Oh come on Barty! Do you really have to say that to EVERYBODY the WHOLE time?''

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