we all sometimes just... space out, ya know?

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"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Mina muttered as she quickly ran down a corridor in her new school. She looked down at the timetable in her hands and then up again at the doors she passed by. She groaned in frustration before turning back around and checking the door numbers for her class.

"71, 75, 79, ugh, then where's 74?" she questioned, pouting to herself. She looked back down at the crumpled piece of paper in her hand and carried on walking forward briskly until she hit something with her head.

"Ugh...Oh god I'm so sorry, I spaced out, I didn't mean to bump into you, I-I just couldn't find my classroom..." she rambled, her voice fading with every word she spoke. She looked up at the person in front of her, who glanced down at the flustered student and... laughed?

"H-hey, um why are you laughing?" Mina asked quietly, still anticipating some sort of argument to unfold due to her lack of awareness.

The person, a tall female student with short, light brown hair, falling just above her shoulders, turned around so that she fully faced the stressed girl in front of her and held her hand out towards her. "Don't apologise, we all sometimes just.. space out ya know? Anyway, my name is Yoo Jeongyeon. It's a pleasure to be acquainted with you, Miss...uh Miss-?"

"Mina. Myoui Mina," she answered softly, a warm blush travelling across her cheeks, due to the unexpected tolerance of the other student. She took the other girls hand and shook it gently, before quickly releasing it. "It's nice to meet you too." She nodded briefly, looking down at her shoes, which surprisingly seemed to be a lot more interesting than a few moments beforehand.

"So um.. are you lost?" Jeongyeon smirked, before grabbing Mina's timetable and looking down, scanning the classes. Mina glanced up and nodded quickly. "I can't find room 74 and there seems to be every room but that one."

"No wonder you can't find it," she chuckled. "You're in the completely wrong building!"

Mina's eyes widened and she quickly diverted her stare back to the ground. "Ah-oh damn I-I guess I'd better try and find it, I'm already-" She glanced at the watch wrapped around her wrist and inhaled sharply. She sighed gently, "I'm already ten minutes late."

Her face sunk slowly with disappointment as she internally groaned.

She had transferred to this new school, new country even, for a fresh start, and now she was already starting off on the completely wrong foot.

Jeongyeon studied the student's downcast face in front of her, before gently grabbing a hold of Mina's arm. "Come on I'll walk you to your class! Make sure you get there in one piece and everything." She flashed her a quick wink, and tugged her lightly towards the other building. "And don't worry about being late; I'll sort that out for you."

Shocked by the sudden burst of kindness from the older student, Mina simply nodded and walked along with Jeongyeon until they reached the classroom. They paused outside and Jeongyeon knocked on the door, motioning for the teacher to come out.

"Sorry about the delay of Miss Myoui's arrival, she needed some assistance with sorting out some of the transfer administration documents." Jeongyeon explained, smiling down at Mina who stood noiselessly by her side.

The teacher glanced at the both of them. "Thank you, Jeongyeon. Always fulfilling the role of head prefect, I see."

The older student nodded and then turned to Mina. "I'll pick you up after your class ends. Have fun doing maths!" She laughed.

Before Mina could offer any sort of protest Jeongyeon was already halfway down the hallway. "Damn those long legs," she mumbled under her breath.

"Come on then Miss Myoui. Let's introduce you to the class!" The teacher beamed down at Mina and clasped his hands together, which she returned with a forced smile. Maths was her worst subject, and guess what!
Surprise surprise, it was also her very first class.



lol okay don't come at me i know this is shit, this is just for fun! but please instead do offer feedback so i can improve!!

thank youuuu~

p.s. chaeng will come soon, so don't worry

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