But ONLY for you.

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The next few days flew by pretty fast for me, mostly because Momo and I had been vigorously practicing for our duet whenever we both had a bit of spare time. It was utterly exhausting, but we had fun so it really didn't feel like an assignment. 

Another thing! I managed to convince Nayeon to actually talk to Jeongyeon (although she hasn't yet), so hopefully the pair will stop acting as though they can barely tolerate each other. I haven't seen much of Chaeng apart from in lessons and a couple of times after school, with it being pretty much the same situation with Jae.


My dance class had just finished, so I got changed and packed away my clothes making my way to the door until Momo's voice called me back.

"Mina! Wait!" She ran and came to rest at my side as we continued walking out of the class.

"What's up Momoring?"

She unwrapped a sandwich and took a bite before answering.

"You going to Jeong's this Friday?"

Why would I be going to Jeongyeon's house?

"Um am I meant to be?"

"I guess she forgot to tell you," she laughed, "Basically Jeong is hella rich so she has this big ass house, and me and the others are going round Friday night. She was meant to ask you to come, but I guess she hasn't seen you. I'll tell her to text you but I gotta run now! Bye Minari!"

Sandwich in hand, she ran off in the direction of the cafeteria as I headed towards the library in hope of getting some extra study in. 


To summerise how my trip to the library went, my plan to study did not work out so instead I stood browsing through the extensive variety of books that were layered on the shelves.

Catching me off guard, my phone vibrated in my pocket, letting out a distinct 'ping' to which the librarian shot me an offended glance.

From: Jeong : ) -

My house, friday, come round at 7, tell chae to come and bring her friends if she wants, drinks are provided ; )!! ask chae for the address i cba to type it out. See u then! 

I chuckled quietly to myself. How did she expect me to persuade Chaeyoung to come when the girl can barely be bothered to turn up to lessons? Nevertheless, it sounded like fun and admittedly a part of me was hoping Chaeng would agree to come just so I could spend some time with her.

Having lost track of time, I rushed to my next class which happened to be Maths. 

I had bittersweet emotions towards this class, mainly because I hated the subject, but Chaeyoung managed to make it fun.

I was greeted by a friendly smile from Chaeng who had surprisingly turned up for class.

"Oh so you decided to actually come to a class? Woah I'm impressed," I teased, to which she just rolled her eyes in response.

Remembering Jeongyeon's invite, I continued talking. 

"Chaengie, Jeong's having a thing at her house on Friday. Um- Could you come with me? She said to bring Dahyun and Tzuyu if you want to."

She let out a low hum in response. "I don't know... I'm not really a people person."

"For me?"

Chaeyoung met my eyes with a groan, "See if I say no now, I'll just seem like a dick. Fine, I'll come. But ONLY for you."

"I feel special, thank you."


I gestured for her to turn around to face the front of the room as the teacher marched into the room and began the lesson. 


School on Friday came and went fairly smoothly, and I had even managed to finish the choreography for Momo and I's duet, though arguably she had done most of the work.

Rather than doing school work, I lay on my bed scrolling through the phone, waiting for Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Tzuyu to pick me up (or rather Dahyun's older brother, who they had somehow persuaded to drop us all off). Soon enough I recognised Chaeyoung's harsh knocking against my door, to which I leapt up and answered. 

I instinctively smiled, seeing that the younger girl actually didn't  look like an utter mess for once. 

"W-what? Why are you staring, is something wrong with my hair?" she asked, tugging at her shoulder length hair that was fairly neat and kempt.  

"Nothing's wrong. Let's go, we don't want to be late," I replied, embarrassed to have been caught (unintentionally) studying her, whilst tugging her sleeve down the stairs to the car. Dahyan gave me an enthusiastic wave from the front seat, and Tzuyu gave me a small (and arguably more composed) smile as Chaeyoung pulled me into the vehicle. 

Before long, we pulled up in front of a large, modern-looking house, nearly a mansion. After I thanked Dahyun's brother for the ride, I stood outside the building, grinning as I heard a distinct "Wow, fantastic baby," blasting out from an open window. Chaeyoung walked past me towards the front door, muttering indistinctly under her breath something along the lines of, "I can't believe they started without us."

I followed close behind her as she hammered on the door in an attempt to be heard over the cacophony inside.

"Chae you came! And you brought the School Meal Club! Mina, Hey!" Jeongyeon came to the door, beaming with a half empty cup in her hand. She ushered us inside, where Sana stood singing (or rather, screeching) with Momo dancing beside her along to the music. Jihyo was sat on the sofa scrolling through her phone, seemingly the most composed person in the room.

Seeing us entering, Sana rushed over and flung herself onto me, pulling me into a tight hug. "Mina, do you want a drink?" She asked, offering me her cup. I laughed and shook my head in response whilst holding up the evidently tipsy girl who was trying to stand up straight. I pulled her over to a chair and made her sit down whilst she clung to my arm. 

Who knew that it was possible for Sana to become even more  clingy than when she was sober?

A soft knock at the door caught my ears. 

But wasn't everyone here already?

Jeongyeon turned around with a bowl of popcorn in one hand and a bottle of sort of beverage (alcoholic no doubt), in the other.

"Mina grab the door, please. I've got my hands full. Literally," She laughed, holding her hands, out in front of her. I nodded and peeled off Sana from my side, who gave me a dejected look.and walked over to the door, pulling it open.

"Oh- Hey Mina, where's Jeong? Sorry, I'm a bit late... I didn't know what to wear."


Nayeon's here?


sorry for the shorter chapter i'm pretty busy atm ugh exams are coming up and i know absolutely nothing

but yh

thank yall for reading, pls ignore any mistakes !! 


also listen to sober by hyoyeon oml she slays my life.

(follow my twitter!!- @/minarimylove i'll post a few cheeky spoilers here and there if you want)

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