Chapter 3

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plane heading towards Mexico


I sat on an aisle across from two people that looked like Mike and Zoe. I looked away, not wanting to look weird.

"I can not wait!" the Zoe looking one said.

"Yeah, it will be fun, but the director said it could still be dangerous." the Mike looking one replied.

"Who cares, the director is just an old man, he doesn't know anything."

"You know that's not true, he has been in the game for his whole life."

"Yeah, but i'm sure the CRAZY FUN RESORT will have ok succerity."

"Why would you want succerity, you can perform 4 different martial arts, and you have Erica on this mission."

"But we don't have Ben."


Erica? Ben? I thought it must have been a coincidence. But how many people were named Erica? And how many people looked liked Mike and Zoe? I continued to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"This mission is going to be a lot harder without him." the Zoe looking one said.

"Yeah" agreed the Mike looking one.

"Imagine if Ben was on this very flight, it would be sooo awesome!"

"Yeah, but Erica and Catherine would freak out, they would probably maim him or something"

"Don't say that, Mike, we have already talked about this wayyyy too much."

"Yeah, oh no... Zoe, I think I see him." said Mike. I immediately turned the other way and stared out the window.

"Where, where is he?" Zoe asked in a worried voice.

"Just fooling around," said Mike with a laugh.

So, the whole team of elite junior CIA agents are going to the same resort I was going to. They knew me, I bet Erica already knew I was on the plane.

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