Chapter 11

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Erica's POV

I knew that mission was a bad idea, first Cyrus and then Cathrine were picked off by WOW and SPYDER, now Ben got shot and we resorted to killing someone. I pulled out my phone, now knowing exactly what to do. I dillied a number. "This is Erica, we need Chip and Jawa." I said, and then closed it. Then I walked to the mission HQ.

As I entered the hotel room, I noticed that only Zoe was there. "Where's Mike?" I asked.

"Oh, he went to go talk to Ben."

"Thanks." I then went to Ben's room.

The room was about the same as HQ, but there was a lot more blood on the sheets. I slowly creeped in.

"Yeah! Oh... dude, you never told me about the other incident while you were defusing the nuke." Mike said. My throat tightened, no one could find out what happened, and, if they did, then they could use Ben as a bargaining chip.

"No man, I can't tell you." Ben replied.

"Why not."

"If I did, Erica would kill me."

"Ah... come on..." Mike said, edging Ben on, I knew I should have juttend in the conversation, but I wanted to see what would happen.

"Dude, I can't."

"Don't worry, no one would find out, not even Erica." Mike said, getting a bit angry.

"Listen... buddy, I can't. Once again, if I do, Erica would kill me."

"It is not cool doing this to your best friend." Mike said.

"OK..." then Ben thought for a moment. "The bomb broke, we didn't defuse it." I had a easier time breathing now. Unfortunately, Mike didn't buy it.

"IT is NOT cool lying to your best friend." Mike said. And then I came out of the shadows.

I held my breath, both Ben and Mike looked at me questioning. "I agree with Mike." I said. Mike gave me a wolfish grin. I gave him a half smile, knowing this would only enrage Ben.

"On what?" Ben asked.

"What happens when we defuse nukes." I said.

"That we just pulled out all of the wires?" Ben asked.

"No, you know what I'm talking about." I said getting slightly annoyed.

"But I thought you said if I ever told anyone, you would kill me."

"Nevermind that, just tell him." I said, "Mike, you must not tell ANYONE." I warned.

"Ok... so, while we were defusing the nuke... the timer didn't stop counting down, so... are you sure you are OK with Mike hearing this." Ben said, then looked at me. I nodded so he continued, "We were getting desperate and we thought we would die... so... we... kissed?"

"You did WHAT to the ice queen?" Zoe asked. This was strange, last mission she admitted to having a crush on Ben.

"Oh... uh... nothing." Ben said. Zoe gave ME a look a betrayal. Now Mike was also looking at me for reason.

"Wait, let me get this straight, you kissed Ben?" Mike asked me. I sighed.

"Yeah..." I answered. Zoe looked a bit disappointed.

Then she turned to Ben, "I... I thought we had something." she said.

"Uh... I like you as a friend and you could do better than me... Ya know, I have something I need to do..." Ben said, and then tried to stand up and walk somewhere, then failed and fell onto the floor, "On second thought, that can wait." Then Mike left. leaving only me to talk to Zoe.

"Wow, and when did this happen?" Zoe asked.

"On that skiing vacation." I replied, now fully committed into tell the truth, which I almost never do.

"Really? I thought he was into that daughter of Leo Shang." Zoe replied.

"Jessica? I killed her."

"Oh..." then Zoe grew uncomfortable. "Can we go talk outside."

"Sure." then Zoe led me outside.

"Uh, you probably noticed this, but I, kinda like Ben." she said.

"Yeah, I knew."

"Then why did you kiss him? Do you like him? Cause if you do, then Ben is into you, and I'm fine with it."


"Look," Zoe started. "If you like him, I can hold myself back, but if you don't then it's OK if we start dating, right."

"Right." I answered, even though I have dreaded this day.

"So, do you like him or not, and if you do, you have got to tell him."

"I like him, kinda." I said.

"So... then go TELL HIM!" Zoe said, and then she opened the door. Then we saw Ben start throwing up, blood. "On second thought, he might not be alive much longer."

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