chapter 7

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Notification of received message beeped on my cell phone. I shrugged it off, thinking, it's just a dream. When this sound has repeated for more than five times, I knew this ain't gonna stop so easily. I still remained in the same position; laying on my back and ignoring everybody around, especially that one person who tried so hard to interrupt me. It seemed like he or she isn't gonna give up since those messages were coming in shorter and shorter interval. I hid my head under pillow and for a minute I thought it all stopped... Until I heard knocking on the door from downstairs.

„You must be fucking kidding me," I cursed out, being quite annoyed and fastly turned myself on the bed.

I was already feeling boiling blood in my veins. When the knocking on the door hasn't stopped for ten minutes, I knew I need to do one thing. Go downstairs, open the fucking door and kick that person in the ass because this was surely driving me insane. Without thinking, I got up from bed heading down, taking steps like a hungry lion ready to kill someone. Well, I really felt like killing someone, though...

I took the knob by my left fist and with fast swing I opened the door, being met with no one else than Lauren herself. As much as I was angry, it all dissapeared the moment I spotted her lovely face. Now I knew who was so impatient.

„We thought you died or something," I heard how she said and then she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me in tight embrace. God, did I miss her much...

After she pulled away, we exchanged longer, deeper stare which made our mouths twisting into loving smiles. Well known feeling entered my heart, making a rest of the world slowly fading away where were only us two and nobody else. Then I caught another pair of eyes watching me from head to toe. Before I could use some proper reaction, a smaller body rushed into mine, giving me another sweet embrace. I looked down to meet Lauren's younger sister, Ella.

„Smarty head," I greeted her, kneeling down to be at least same height as her .

„Okay, okay, Ella, it's my turn now," said a third, unknown voice that made me feel unsure. I let go of Ella, meeting a light brown eyes that has been showing nothing but a love and kindness. She gave me a  warm smile and offered me an extended hand.

„Hi," she introduced herself, „I'm Dinah."

You could already see how intimidated I had to look. Whenever I was introduced to new poeple, I have always kept a distance till I open to them, which takes me some time. This ain't gonna be different even though she looked more than friendly. I gave her shyly smile while we shaked our hands.

„I'm Y/N," I told her and suddenly I was put into warm bear hug. We were almost a same height; I might be like three inches taller than her. Her hair got a brighter shades of a dirty blonde made into bun; she was wearing a black long sleeve tshirt with VIBING sample on her chest and navy trousers combined with white convers.

„Meet my friend, Dinah Jane," Lauren pointed to a girl that made a cute pose, flipping her hair from side to side and waving with damn long eyelashes like some supermodel.

„Sorry for taking her with us but she's a stubborn ass," Lauren told me, receiving a punch from Dinah.

„You love me anyway," Dinah said with playfull grin while Lauren rolled her eyes. I could tell these two must have a strong friendship bond.

„Of course," Lauren answered and then turned her attention back to me. She spotted my homemade pyjamas and it clicked to her.

„Did you really like only woke up?" she asked, narowing her eyebrows.

„Yeah and I guess all those notifications are from you."

„You didn't reply on any of them," Lauren said seriously.

Invisible to your eyes (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now