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he slams the door shut, leaving me in excruciating pain on the cold, tiled floor. I squeeze my eyes shut, stopping the tears threating to spill and focus on my breathing. any wait on my left arm, a pain appears searing through my forearm. I slowly pull my body off the floor and lean on the marble bench.

my eyes slowly trail over my figure in the mirror, my hair a little messy, my eyes puffy, my mascara running. I use my right hands to straighten up the top of my dress, from the right sleeve to the left sleeve that falls, the material ripped. a cut goes fro just below my shoulder to just about my elbow, blood pouring from on. just the gentle touch of my fingers near sends a pain shooting throughout my arm. my eyes trail down further, to the hem of my dress which is uneven and showing more skin then I would like. straightening out my dress, I come to a tear along the side up to where it hugs my figure.

moving the tear further apart, I see the horizontal scars, about 5 on the side of my thigh. my fingertips slowly gliding over the scared tissue from myself, my eyes tearing up again at the memories. hearing the door open, I quickly pull the side of the tear closer to each other.

"Oh, darling, what happened to you?" an elderly land asks coming up to me.

"I don't know, I'm just really clumsy I guess,"I reply

"lets get you cleaned up, sit on here hun,"I do as she says and sit on the bench, " I used to be a nurse so don't be worried," she informs, I nod.  "what's your name darling?" she asks whipping the cut with some white, I think it was one of those alcoholic ones because my skin started burning.

"Faith," I reply

"did he do this to you?" she asks, I look up at her, properly looking at her, her mossy green eyes familiar.

"miss Marmalade?" I ask

"yes dearie, it's me," Miss Marmalade is the one how helped me every time Arron hurt me, every problem I had I would go to her. Miss Marmalade listened to me and understood my situation, she would look after whatever damage he had done to me and gave me a Marmalade cookie with a glass of chocolate milk. 

"w-what are you doing here?" I ask

"spending time with my grandchildren, I guess I came here just on time," she replies looking at the deep cut. " I think I can keep this together with some medical strips," she informs pulling a bunch of little white medical strips out of her bag.

"you wouldn't happen to have a sewing kit on you, would you?" I ask

"in fact, I do" she replies putting the white strips on my skin to hold the cut together. she puts all the white strips over my cut and sews up the rip in my sleeve then starts to sew up the large tare in the flowy part of my maroon dress.

"was this him too?" she asks

"no, that was me, a couple years ago," I admit. that somehow triggered a memory and made me think, why did I lie?

Logan had left after we all talked for a while and now we're all sitting on the couch, I was getting hot in this jumper so I pushed the sleeves up to my elbows. I stretch my arms out in front of me, my fingers hooked together the palms out. Jonah grasps my wrists and roughly pulls them in front of me, the makeup was completely gone.

"Faith, what the hell is this?!" he looks into my eyes, considered "are you... cutting?"

"no! no, no, no, I'm not!" I assure him

"then what the hell is this?!" he shakes my arms a bit

that's when I told him and everyone else about Arron, but why did I lie? yes, he abused me and raped me and stabbed my thigh. but, he didn't cut my wrists, I did. I didn't have my big brother, Mona focused on studies, Jai-Li was distracted my guys and Dex what trying to figure out his sexuality. I was with Arron, hanging out with his friends, the wrong crowd and he hurt me, physically, almost every day. I was depressed and I pain, I didn't want to deal with it.

my whole life Jonah has been my anchor, he's the one I went to when I had a problem when I had a crush when I got a bad grade. when I fell he would pick me up, when I got cut, he would put a band-aid on it. when I was sad he would comfort me when I was crying, he was my shoulder to cry on, when I had a nightmare, he would stay in my bed and hold me in his arms, and when I woke up, he would still be there. Jonah was my safety, the one that made me feel like I could do anything. because, I knew if I fell, he would catch me. 

and when he left. I fell apart. my world came crumbling down. I took the wring paths and made many bad decisions. some of which I still can't get rid of and I still haven't told Jonah or anyone.

as a teenager, he was threatening to make my life hell if I did anything. now, he would kill if I did something to stop him.

and I don't think it's me he would kill.


okay, well another chapter that kinda took a different turn. but, personally, I love how this turned out. this got dark and deep. if you a thinking of self-harm or anything like that, please talk to someone, even talk to me. you are beautiful, amazing, talented, and so much more, there a people that love you so don't leave them. talk to someone if you feel like this, even talk to me.

vote and comment, tell me what you like and don't.


P.S. I don't know how I came up with Miss Marmalade and now she is like one of my favourite characters.

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