Chapter 11

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I looked closer at the little eagle. Over the years, the colour had faded completely from the page, but you could still make it out. There was a perfect tear down the centre, seeming as though it has been cut, bit the little marks around it said Otherwise: Lucille. It must have been very sentimental, especially if Lucille ripped it. I sighed as I fell to the ground, sitting against the wall, wondering where life would take me next. I stared into each of lucille's spines, each as sharp as a razor blade. Why can I just have died? Why not me instead of dad? Or even Mom? Why did they hide me? Who from? Why didn't they look for me? Did I even matter? Was it the way I looked? I don't know but those questions will never be answered; some things are best left forgotten, forever. End of. I looked around the room, looking for happy moments, but all I saw was death and anger, blood and rage, sadness and fear: my life. Why can I not just die? Be gone? End it all? Feel free for one in my life? Be free? See mom and dad again? See my friends?
I don't believe in all of this God stuff, but I want closure I want to know why everything is as it is.

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