Chapter 9

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   I could hear my heartbeat echoing in my head as my lungs strained to bring air in. The ground was relatively firm under my feet; I'd occasionally feel my shoes get stuck in muddier areas. A light blue blur whizzed by in front of me and spun around me, stopping me in my tracks. It slowed to a halt, and I found myself face-to-face with the other sibling from my dream.

"Hey, hey, hey!" he called out to me, raising his hands up in defense. "We just want to talk." I turned around, and Wanda stopped in her tracks. I was surrounded by the two of them, and I had already given my powers up. "That's okay, right?"

"I'm a little busy right now, but I appreciate the offer," I answered sarcastically, clenching both of my hands into fists. "If you didn't see, there's an angry Hulk about to kill a lot of people, and technically I'm not even supposed to be here. Can I go now?" A smile crept on to Pietro's face, making me feel even more unnerved. "Like, now now?"

"I thought he was lying," he chuckled to his sister. "I didn't think... it's really you!"

"What's really me?" I questioned, but I knew the answer already.

"The person I saw in Stark's head," Wanda explained, and I felt myself pale. It was surprising how her accent was slightly stronger than her twin's. "I doubted, of course. I didn't even think you were alive after everything that happened."

"I-I don't know who you two think I am, but y-you're wrong," I stuttered, feeling my the aura of my powers flow around my fingers. "So leave... me... alone!" With my final word said, I threw my hands toward them and sent a torrent of water in their direction. Pietro ducked out of the way, and I heard Wanda do the same behind me. I took it as my chance to continue running to the city, throwing a wave up and riding on the self-made current to go faster.

It didn't take long before I had to jump off and start running again to avoid drowning the screaming pedestrians trying to find a place to hide. I couldn't understand them through the language gap, but one thing was crystal clear: they were terrified of the green beast stomping through their home.

"Bruce!" I yelled, turning my head left and right as my eyes scanned everything around me. It was ironic how hard it was to catch a glimpse of the man creating the destruction around me... that is, until something flew in my direction. I tumbled on the cement, wincing as my palms scraped against irregular bumps in the ground and drew blood. The stinging was better than the alternative; being decapitated by a metal construction beam. "Not cool, man."

There was a loud roar, and I looked over my shoulder to see the Hulk glaring down at me thirty feet away, his eyes tinted red like he was drugged. His green fists were clenched tightly, and his left leg was bent slightly to prepare for a charge attack. There was no mercy in his gaze, and I started to scramble backwards on my hands and knees as he ran towards me. Over the beam and under a large overturned piece of concrete I went, motivated by the sound of the Hulk's feet stomping the ground I had just escaped.

"Bruce, stop!" I screamed, and his response was an even more angered roar. I tried to lead him away from the people I ran past, but my main concern was getting away from him and his was to grab me. "Run!" I ordered those around me, a hand holding my glasses to my face so they didn't fall and get lost. I doubted they even understood what I was saying. "Go! Get out-" My sentence was cut off by my own yelp when Pietro's light blue blur picked me up and rushed me inside of a building.

"Are you okay?" he asked me worriedly, setting me down on the ground behind a desk so that the Hulk passed us by. "La naiba, you're bleeding." I looked down at my hands and to the stains they had left on my arms. "Where are you cut? I bet I can find bandages somewhere."

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