Chapter 12

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 If you have never traveled at the speed of sound, I will tell you that it's both awesome and terrifying. It seemed as if my brother was running at a normal pace while everyone froze. We stopped at a small market after running a few miles. Pietro gasped.

"Never," he breathed, "have I run with that many people." I turned to Wanda, who was clutching her head.

"I created a monster," she repeated. "I created a monster." I grabbed her hands.

"We can't do anything about Ultron except get rid of him," I told her. "We need to get to my father."

"Our father is dead, Isabel," Pietro sighed. I shook my head.

"Not my adopted one." They both stared at me as if I said we should swim to the moon.

"Stark will kill us," Wanda murmured.

"No, he won't," I said calmly. "He doesn't do that. He avenges, protects. Even if you ever did something you regret." I gave them both a hug. "Plus, if he still doesn't, I'll force him to anyway." They laughed, and I joined in with them.

"I really hope so," Pietro mumbled. "Because I don't want to get shot by that thing." He pointed up, and I saw a giant jet. The Avengers jet.

"Wanda," I asked. "Do you think you can get me up there?"


"What the hell-Isabel?!?" Clint cried when I tumbled in. "Where have you been?"

"Here, there, learned a thing or two," I replied before giving him a light punch on the shoulder. "You?"

"Flying around, keeping Stark from going crazy because you were missing?" He smiled and rubbed his shoulder. "And ow, that actually hurt."

"Stop it Birdbrain, you're fine," I laughed. He gave me a quick hug.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay," he told me.

"Where can I go to-what the heck?" I yelled. He had handcuffed me to his chair. "Let me go!"

"And have Stark upset that you left again?" he chuckled. "Oh, hell no. You're staying here."

"Clint Barton, I need to be down there!" I shouted at him. Images of my new family flashed before my eyes. "I can't abandon my family." Clint turned around and started at my like I was crazy.

"Family?" he repeated. "Who?"

"Wanda and Pietro." Clint turned back to the jet gears and shook his head.

"I don't know what happened to you, but those Maximoff punks are not related to you." I willed my water powers to come forth and help me slide out of the cuffs, but to no avail. Clint stared at my hand, which was spewing water. "Okay, what did Ultron do to you?" I stopped and stared at him before remembering he had never seen my powers before.

"Nothing," I snapped. I waved a hand and the water disappeared. "It's been like this for a while. Sorry about that." Clint looked at me and chuckled. "What?"

"Water Girl," he laughed. "Now I get it. I thought it was because you swam great or something."

"Trust me," I warned him. "I could beat you in a heartbeat. I don't think birds can swim that well."

"I've missed you," he smiled. "And your sandwiches. Seriously, what do you put in those things?"

He was immediately back in the zone after that. If I didn't have the cuffs on, I would have slid to bring Natasha back on board once the cradle was in the jet. Then we flew off to Stark tower. I was embraced with a bear hug from my dad once I stepped away from the jet.

"Thank god," he sighed as I buried my face in his chest. A few tear's slid down my cheeks. I never realized how worried he was. "What happened?" he asked me. "Please tell me Ultron didn't torture you." I shook my head.

"He gave me information about my life before I met you," I told him. "To try to bring me to his side. He told me about my parents before you and that I had siblings." My father slightly stiffened.

"And your parents?" he asked. "Are they looking for you?"

"They can't," I muttered. "Because you killed them." I explained about the bombings, and how I was related to the Maximoff twins.

"I can't believe..." he murmured. "So are you going as Isabel Maximoff now?"

"Nope," I replied. "I think I'll stay a Stark. Even though they were my birth parents, they weren't there."

"Because I killed them."

"That wasn't the real you. You didn't kill them," I corrected. "And I'm happy to be a Stark."


"So let me get this straight," Bruce said. After I had apologized for the water incident in Wakanda, he had asked about my powers. "You were experimented on by HYDRA, which gave you water powers, and now you can manipulate water."

"I can do a little more than that," I told him and Clint, who was listening as well. "I can breathe underwater, and...this." I sat on the floor and took off my boots, ignoring their confused looks. I took a deep breath, and my legs slowly turned into the mermaid tail and then back. "Ta-da."

"And you knew?" Bruce asked my dad, who rolled his eyes.

"Of course I knew," he told him. "I didn't tell anyone about it, it was our little secret. Imagine what SHIELD could do with her if they found out."

"No offense Dad, but they probably already do," I said, standing up. "I just used my water magic in Wakanda, who knows how many people saw it."

"Fury didn't," Clint butted in. "He never asked about it when he gave us a little visit."

"Anyways," I said. "What are we going to do with this?" I waved my hand at the cradle. "It's sealed tight."

"Well, I'm going to look for Nat, see if she left a message for us," said Clint as he walked out of the room. "You guys have fun with that."

"We're going to need to access the program, break it down from within," Bruce told me. "I can work on tissue degeneration. Tony, you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted."

"Yeah," my father murmured, "about that." Bruce looked at my dad.


"You have to trust me."

"Kinda don't." I agreed with Bruce. I did not want another Ultron accident.

"Our ally?" Tony told us. "The guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? I found him." He brought up a 3D image, and I knew exactly who it was.

"Jarvis?" I asked it.

"Hello ,Isabel," Jarvis replied. "Hello, Dr. Banner."

"Ultron didn't go after Jarvis because he was angry," my dad explained. "He attacked him because he was scared of what he can do. So Jarvis went underground. Okay? Scattered, dumped his memory. But not his protocols. He didn't know he was in there, until I pieced him together."

"So, you want me to help you put Jarvis in this thing?" Bruce asked.

"No, of course not! I want to help you put Jarvis in this thing. We're out of my field here. You know bio-organics better than anyone."

"And you assume that Jarvis's operational matrix can beat Ultron's?"

"No," I said, causing both Bruce and my father to jump. "This is a time loop. This is where we went wrong last time."

"I know, I know," my dad smiled. "But we know where we messed up, and we can fix it. C'mon. Ultron gone. Poof!" I shook my head and smirked."

"Why am I doing this?" I laughed.

"Because you know it's the right thing to do."

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