Mission Atlantis; Chapter 7

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   "We're set," Kurt announced after the van was parked. Luis, Kurt, Dave, Scott, and I were outside of Pym Tech, ready to fulfill our parts of the mission. Luis was pretty excited, and I had to remind him a few times that he was only going in if I couldn't keep the water pressure down.

"Wish me luck," Scott smiled, shrinking himself and jumping into the water main. I leaned over the entrance and placed my hand on top, lowering the pressure. I winced as the machine struggled against me, trying to release the water being held back.

"Utility is online," Kurt mentioned as he typed away on the computer. I moaned slightly; I had never tried holding water pressure back before, and it hurt like hell.

"Luis, you got that water level down yet?" I hissed in pain, and I heard whistling through the earpiece. "Damn it, Luis! Stop whistling!"

"You heard the lady," Scott said. I could hear blood rushing in my ears.

"Water level is dropping," Kurt told me, and I removed my hand, gasping. My heart beat inside my head as I crawled back into the car. "Scott, coming up on extraction pipe."

"I see it!" Scott shouted before talking to the ants. "Alright, come on. I gotta get up there. That's it, that's it, guys, yeah! Yes! You got it! You got it, come on!"

"Can you talk to the insects off the com?" I sighed. Dave turned around in the car to look at Kurt and me.

"We got a Crown Vic right outside over there," he said nervously. Kurt glanced up at him.

"This is problem?" he asked.

"Crown Vic's the most commonly used car for under-cover cops," I explained. "Problem." Dave and Kurt stared at me in surprise.

"What?" I questioned. "I spent a fair share of time running away from the police. I know their tricks." Hank's car pulled up outside the building, and two officers exited their car and ran after him. "Oh, no."

"I'm employing the bullet ants. Hapanera-clamda-mana-merna," Scott tried to say. "I don't remember what it's called but I feel bad for this guy." I heard a scream, followed seconds later by a punch.

"Signal decoy in place," Kurt said on the com. "Mean pretty lady did good, Scott." I laughed, but quickly stopped when I saw Hank arguing with the cops.

"Looks like Pym's getting arrested," Dave noticed. I cursed out loud.

"We need a distraction," I said. "Dave-"

"Way ahead of you," he interrupted, running out of the car and jumping into the police's. He quickly drove away, causing the cops to chase after him.

"Not exactly what I had in mind," I hummed. "Oh, well."

"Problem solved," Kurt finished.

"I'm in position," Scott spoke.

"Copy that," I told him. Dave, breathing hard, slammed the car door as he came back inside.

"Did you see that?" Dave laughed. He banged his hand on the wheel, and the car emitted a long beep. Both Kurt and Dave paled.

"We are so dead," I murmured. Kurt slowly turned back to the computer.

"Servers are fried," he said nervously. "Data backup completely erased."

"Headed to the particle chamber," Scott said gleefully. The two cops were approaching the van.

"Hide!" I hissed, and we fell to the floor.

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