Chapter 15

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The fight was chaotic. I was standing right between Steve and Wanda. Bruce, in his Hulk form, roared every time he destroyed a robot. As Wanda ripped apart the robots with her magic, I used mine by shooting water bullets through their chests. I looked up, only to see more robots attempting to reach the core from above. I raised my hands, and a tsunami burst out, shooting through the middle of the church and overflowing on the sides. I swam inside, changed into my mermaid form, and ripped apart the thrashing bots with my bare hands. When all of the outside robots were gone, I lowered the wave and joined the Avengers back at the middle. I nearly laughed when I saw the Hulk destroying robots with his teeth.

Ultron flew in, and Vision attacked him. Ultron shoved Vision into a wall, where he replied by shooting Ultron back with his gem. Thor and my father joined him, but Ultron was barely harmed by their attempts. I walked between Thor and my dad and sent the most powerful blasts of water I had ever conjured at the metal monster, and he started to melt. We pulled back, and Ultron fell too the ground. He smiled evilly as he stood up.

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight-" Ultron started, but Hulk came and punched him, sending him flying high in the sky. Hulk looked at the other robots, who immediately retreated.

"They'll try to leave the city," Thor boomed.

"We can't let 'em, not even one," my father said. "Rhodey!"

"I'm on it," I heard Rhodes reply.

"We gotta move out," said Steve. "Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you."

"What about the core?" Clint asked.

"I'll protect it," Wanda interrupted. "It's my job." Clint nodded to her before taking off with Nat. Wanda turned to Pietro and I.

"Get the people on the boats," she told us. We stared at her as if she were crazy.

"We aren't just leaving you here," I said. Wanda blasted an approaching robot.

"I can handle these." She looked at Pietro. "Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before. Stay with Isabel. You understand?"

"You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you," Pietro smiled. Wanda chuckled as Pietro picked me up and sped off toward the boats. I watched as Clint picked up a little kid, but Ultron came into view, firing bullets. "Stay here," Pietro told me, and I nodded fearfully. He ran and pulled Clint out of the way, and the air filled with smoke. I coughed and waved my hand. When the smoke cleared, I saw Clint and the kid behind a car. And Pietro standing, breathing hard. Bullet marks covered his suit and skin. Time seemed to stop as he hit the concrete.

"No!" I screamed. I felt something snap inside me as I ran toward his body. My brother's lifeless body. My hands shook and my heart beat as I pulled his head in my lap. Blood and tears stained my blue dress. "No, no, please no," I sobbed. It was Sophia all over again. "Come back," I gasped. "You can't die." But his eyes only showed my reflection and carried no life. Clint stood behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder while Steve ran up to us. Clint pulled me gently away, but I thrashed against him as Steve picked up Pietro. As he carried him away, a tidal wave erupted from my body, flying into the sky before tumbling down. I was drenched. I watched as the Hulk grabbed Ultron out of his jet before joining Steve beside the boats.

"You okay?" He asked me. I pulled a loose strand of hair out of my face before resting my head against him. He wrapped his arm around me.

"I don't think I'll ever be," I said softly, and two tears slipped. That's when the city shifted, and Steve threw me on the boat before jumping beside me. As Steve held me back, I watched as the entire city fell and exploded. That was the last thing I saw before falling asleep before falling asleep in Steve's arms.


A few days later...

My father was driving me to new Avengers facility, where I would be staying for a bit of training. He was giving me a lecture on behaving.

"Don't use your powers for bad stuff when I'm away, and don't mess around with Capsicle. I don't want to hear you getting married with gramps."

"Seriously?" I laughed. I was wearing the outfit Wanda had given me when I first found out we were related. I still had the necklace, but I couldn't find it in myself to get rid of the blood stain on it. It reminded me that I should protect others. "I've told you a million times, I don't like him like that. Think of him as Uncle Steve."

"Yeah, yeah." He walked inside to the training room. "Classy. I'm gonna say my goodbyes to Thor." I embraced him in a hug. "Stay safe, kid."

"You too," I smiled. When my dad left, Wanda ran up to me.

"You ready?" she asked me. I nodded. Rhodes and Sam came walking up to me.

"Water Girl?" he asked me. I looked at him, confused. "Just saying, you're going to need a better name than that." I chuckled.

"What exactly do you think then?" I said. Rhodes and Sam glanced at each other before looking back at me.

"Atlantis," they said in unison. I shrugged.

"Fine with me." I pointed at my sister. "But then she's Scarlet Witch." Wanda smiled and nodded. Vision flew in and gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"It suits you," he said kindly. Rhodes rubbed his hands together.

"War Machine, Falcon, Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Atlantis," he said proudly. "The new Avengers." Suddenly, Steve walked in with Natasha. We all turned around to face them.

"Avengers," Steve called. "Assemble!"

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