Chapter One: Unknown

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Hey! You clicked on this book! Lucky you :) kidding lmao I'm not sure how this will turn out but I'm going to try anyway. Thanks a lot for reading. I hope you enjoy the story!

Beca's POV:
"You know what? FUCK YOU!" I yelled down the stairs at my step-mom. "She can be such an asshole" I mumbled to myself as I stormed into my room. I slammed the door behind me, jumped onto my bed face first and buried my head into my pillow. I let a scream out as I closed my eyes and tried my hardest not to let any tears out. Ugh. I have no idea how much longer I can stay in this damn house before I pack my bags and live on a bench or something. Ding. My phone lit up and told me I had a message. "I never get messages" I said to myself as I unlocked my phone suspiciously.

Unknown: Girl you can sing

I raised an eyebrow at the message. I didn't know what to say. I've been posting videos of my remixes, my mashups and some covers on my instagram for months. So it must be that. But... how do they have my number? Should I reply? Yes. I should. I typed out my message and clicked send.

Beca: who are you?

Unknown: Damn. I'm just appreciating your talent.

Beca: i don't even know you

Unknown: Yeah but you will soon

Beca: how? you don't know me

Unknown: Oh I know you alright, we go to the same university

Beca: how would you know that?

Unknown: I see you around. But I guess you don't really notice anyone... you're too busy with your headphones on and your remixes

Beca: okay... how did you get my number?

Unknown: Well I knew you were talented and as a teenager of the twenty-first century I assumed you had Instagram. So I found you and stalked you. Lucky you weren't on private. I scrolled down so far that I found posts where you didn't get hundreds of likes and it was just an account for only friends to look at. You put "hey guys if you want a friend then call me! 58215852922". So I texted you. And here we are

Beca: great. now i have to scroll all the way down and delete that post. what was the photo?

Unknown: The photo was you

Beca: i kinda knew that already. can you be more specific?

Unknown: You we're holding a pina colada

Beca: thanks

Unknown. It's okay. Do you have a boyfriend?

Beca: deleted. and why does it matter?

Unknown: Because we're gonna be friends so we need to get to know each other

Beca: dude i don't even know you. i don't know what you look like either

Unknown: Can you follow me on instagram?

Beca: sure. what's your instagram?

Unknown: @chloebeale enjoy ;)

Beca: thanks. brb

I sat up and crossed my legs as I exited my text messages and clicked on instagram. I typed in her username and prayed she didn't lie to me about it. Sure enough, an account came up with that exact name. I clicked on it and saw her page. The first thing I noticed was her description and her follower count. Her description said: 'I'm a dreamer with my head in the clouds. Also a member of an accappella group called The Barden Bellas' "She sings". I whispered to myself and nodded a little. "And she has 4,623 followers". I said to myself in disbelief. I pressed follow. "Make that 4,624". The next thing I did was obviously scroll down to her photos. My heart instantly stopped beating. The first photo that came up was a photo of her on a beach. She was wearing a tight red swimsuit which showed off her body perfectly. She was also wearing a pair of black sunglasses whilst holding a glass of wine. I shut my phone off and dropped it on my bed. "Oh no" I said to myself. I sat there for a second thinking about the photo. Until I went back on my phone to stare at more photos of her. She had hundreds of photos. She looked bad in literally none of them. Until I saw a special one. It was a close up of her eye. It was the most beautiful thing I'd seen all day. You could see a small bit of her red hair too which looked amazing in the lighting. Her eye was bright blue like the ocean. I stared at it for a while. "Come on Beca, snap out of it. You're not this sappy" I said to myself. I don't even know her. After a few more minutes of stalking her, I got a message. I clicked on it and giggled at the message

Chloe: Why are you taking so long? Too busy staring at me?


Beca: no...

Chloe: I don't believe you

Beca: that's fine

Chloe: What did you think then?

Beca: yeah... you look nice, buddy

Chloe: Ouch

Beca: what?

Chloe: Nothing. It's all good

Beca: okay

I was trying to hard not to freak out.

Chloe: Thanks for following me

Beca: it's cool

Chloe: Good

Beca: how old are you?

Chloe: 19

Beca: nice. me too

Chloe: Aca-awesome

Beca: that reminds me, you're in the bellas. I went to see them perform last year. you were good

Chloe: Thanks Beca. We're holding auditions soon. You should totally do it

Beca: i can't

Chloe: Why not?

Beca: sorry it's just... kinda lame. and i don't really sing

Chloe: That's not what you'll be saying when you join. And yes you can. I've heard you

Beca: shut up 😂

Chloe: Make me

I smiled

Beca: haha

Chloe: Sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude haha

Beca: it's okay. hey umm i was in a shitty mood when you texted... and honestly you put me in a worse one. but you eventually made me happier. thanks for that

Chloe: I'm glad. You're very welcome

Beca: Good

I heard my step-mom yell. "Ugh" I muttered to myself as I slowly got up from my bed. "BECA" she yelled again. I grumbled from the back of my throat.
"COMING". I stood up and quickly texted Chloe back.

Beca: gotta jump. bye

Chloe: See you later :)


A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading my first chapter. Sorry if it wasn't great lmao. I hope you enjoyed it anyway :)

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