Chapter Two: Secrets

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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you like this chapter! A big part of it is just texting between Beca and Chloe but I promise it'll get better 😂 Thanks a lot for reading :)

Beca's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping. I picked my phone up, not bothering to turn off the alarm but checking the time. Great. Monday. I groaned as I put my phone back and lay there for a moment drowned in the sound of the alarm. After 30 seconds or so of the alarm annoying me, I decided to get up and turn it off. As soon as I placed my feet on the cold hard floor it sent a shiver through my spine. I continued to get up and walk to my closet. I opened it and put on some black skinny jeans, a black v-neck shirt, a purple and black checkered flannel, black converse and obviously my bracelets. "I have no colour whatsoever" I said to myself. Before doing anything else, I walked over to my bag and put in my laptop. I then did everything I needed to do in the bathroom. I placed my bag over my shoulder and put my headphones on my head. They were plugged into my phone. I put my music on to block out the whole wide world and walked to hell.

On the way there, many thoughts ran through my head about Chloe. 'What if I see her?', 'what if we talk and she absolutely hates me?', "what if she bribes me to join the bellas?', 'What if I don't see her at all?'.

Apparently my thoughts make me speed through time because I was already there. I walked up the steps towards the space outside of the university. It was a grassy space with a couple of trees. I stopped for a second to see if 'my space' was taken. It wasn't. So I made my way towards it. I sat down at the foot of a tree and got my laptop out. So I unplugged my headphones from my phone and put them in my laptop. I started to do what I do best. Making music.

The bell started to go off which meant it was time to do effort. I mean, I didn't hear the bell because my music was so loud. Thank god other people are there so they can let me know when to go by walking in. I packed my stuff away and walked towards the building. Great.

*skip university time because it sucks lmao*

After the dreadful day, I finally got back home. The first thing I was greeted by was my step mom. "GET YOUR SHOES OFF. YOU'RE GOING TO GET DIRT EVERYWHERE". She yelled at me. "I will. Damn calm your tits" I said back. I took my shoes off and attempted to go upstairs. "Do you want dinner Becs?" My dad asked. "No thanks, I'm good" I said back. I mean, honestly I was starving. But I'd do anything to get away from my step-mom. I ran up to my room, shut the door behind me, got out my laptop and continued to work on the same thing I was doing earlier. Ding. My phone lit up. I had a message from Chloe. I opened it up and read what it said.


BeautifulButSheCan'tKnowThat😍: Were you in today?

Should I reply? Why not?

Beca: yeah but i was trying to avoid you

BeautifulButSheCan'tKnowThat😍: Wow thanks 😂 Why?

Because I don't want the possibility of falling for you

Beca: because i dont really like new friends and stuff. im my own person

BeautifulButSheCan'tKnowThat😍: Do you want people that are more than friends? 😏

Beca: no

After that message, I didn't hear from her for a few hours. I guess she gave up on me. Until... ding. What does she want now?

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