Chapter Seven: The Morning After

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Beca's POV:

I woke up sandwiched between Chloe and Fat Amy. 'They were so drunk last night that they literally won't be awake until 3' I thought to myself as I turned to Chloe and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. 'Will she remember what happened?' I questioned myself. I stared at her and tried hard not to smile. I then yawned, stretched and got up. I packed my bag yesterday, right? I hoped to myself as I walked over to it. Luckily enough, there was a spear shirt, a toothbrush, make up and a hairbrush. I changed my shirt. It wasn't much of a difference though because I changed from black to black... oh well. I picked up my toothbrush and walked to the bathroom.

The toilet seat had... not very nice fluids from the stomach on it. I sighed to myself as I stared at it. Aubrey and Chloe will both be hella hungover so I may as well help them clean up...

After gagging 6 times and wiping the toilet seat down with disinfectant, I finally got round to brushing my teeth. Afterwards, I brushed my hair and walked downstairs. Makeup was too much effort for 9:00am.

Whilst walking downstairs, I could hear talking and a bit of noise so obviously somebody was awake. I walked into the dining room to see Stacie sat at the table with only a bra and underwear on. She was holding a strong cup of coffee in her hands and looked like she could fall asleep any second. Lilly was lying on the floor with her legs up on the sofa for some strange reason. She was in a deep sleep though. And obviously Cynthia was sat at the table with Stacie. Cynthia was staring at her whilst simultaneously talking.

"Stace, are you alright?" I asked the tall brunette. Her eyes shot open and turned to me. "I feel like a piece of dirt but I'm great" she replied, trying hard not to be rude because of her mood. I nodded, smiled and began to walk to the kitchen. Only to be stopped by the realisation that Jessica and Ashley were sat up right on the space that wasn't taken up by Lilly's legs on the sofa.

"When did you guys get here?" I asked them with confusion. "What?" Jessica replied. "We've literally been here the whole time" she added on. Ashley nodded in agreement. I shrugged my shoulders and continued walking to the kitchen. I made myself a dark coffee to wake myself up a bit and sat down with Cynthia and Stacie. We all stared at each other for a minute until Stacie spoke up. "Remember that really tall hot guy last night with the h-" "Stacie, there was no guy here last night" I butted in. "What? Well, that's a first" She answered whilst sipping her coffee. "Why are you like... naked?" I asked, genuinely caring for her. "No no, she looks good." She practically yelled to me and then turned to Stacie "You look good" not letting Stacie have an input. Stacie shrugged and took one last gulp of her coffee before it was all gone. She slammed her cup down on the table and sighed.

I began to hear footsteps coming down the stairs. It turned out, it was Aubrey. "LET'S DO IT AGAIN TONIGHT!" She yelled with a huge grin on her face whilst also holding a bottle of vodka. She took the lid off and was about to drink some until I stopped her. "Yeah, no. That's not happening again for another two weeks" I said whilst taking the bottle off her, leaving her to frown. I watched her as she walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

"How are you not like... dead?" I asked Aubrey from the opposite room. "I am. But I'm getting old so I have to live the best life I can!" She yelled back at me. "Aubrey... you're only almost twenty" I replied with concern. "Yeah, exactly" she walked in and sat at the table replying to my answer. I shook my head in confusion and walked away into the kitchen.

I quickly downed my coffee and washed the mug. I could hear walking around coming from upstairs. 'That must be Chloe' I thought to myself. I decided to go and see her.

When I opened Chloe's door, an almost-naked Amy was stood there. We had a second where neither of us knew what to do so we just started at each other. She was obviously getting dressed but it wasn't a nice sight to see your friend naked.... "BECA!" She yelled at me which made me instantly slam the door shut. "AH I'M SO SORRY" I shouted back to her. My heart was beating so unbelievably fast. That was definitely not Chloe...

After seeing my almost naked friend, I went downstairs with my may-as-well-be swollen eyes to let her get ready. I had no idea how long she'd take though. Lilly was still sleeping but had completely changed positions. She was now lying on the sofa but with her legs over the backrest. "Smart child" I murmured to myself, trying to figure out why she was lying like that.

Half an hour had passed by and Amy still hadn't come downstairs. I decided to walk upstairs to see what she was doing. She was in the bathroom... asleep in the same position that Chloe was the night before when she was throwing up. Amy was clearly going to throw up as well but fell asleep during the process. I awkwardly smiled and quietly said her name "Amy. Amy!" She jumped and her eyes shot open. "Why did you put me on the floor?" She asked in confusion. "I-I didn't" I said whilst she was getting up. She walked towards me, grabbed me by the shoulders and began to try and wrestle me to the floor in a jokey way. I'm much smaller than her so she pushed me down very easily. "Don't mess with the big guns" she whispered down my ear and then got up and went downstairs. I layed there for a moment trying to figure out what the hell just happened. I shook my head and stood up.

I fell silent because I could hear noises coming from Chloe's room. I quickly walked in to find her stressing trying to make her charger for her phone work. "For gods sake. Just work". She started getting really violent and hitting her phone. "Chloe?" I said, my head tilted one way. "It won't work Beca!" She kind of yelled at me. It's the most stressed I'd ever seen her. I looked down at the plug socket and walked towards it. "If you want it to work, you kind of have to turn it on". I flicked the switch which made the phone light up and the charging sign pop up. Each side of Chloe's mouth curved up which revealed a smile. "Thanks, Beca". "You're welcome" I said back with a grin on my face. "How are you feeling today?" I asked her, only just remembering how drunk she was the night before. "Yeah, I'm okay. Not feeling great but whatever" she replied with a smile. "How about... I'll go and make you a warm drink and you can come downstairs to it when you are ready?" I said, with my hand on her shoulder. She agreed to it so I did exactly what I said I'd do. I quickly hurried downstairs and ran to the kitchen. Everybody apart from Aubrey, Jessica, Ashley and Cynthia were asleep. The four asked me where I was going and what I was doing. So I just told them that I was making Chloe a drink.

When I reached the kitchen, I quickly got a blue mug out of a cupboard and put the kettle on. I had no idea if she liked it strong or not so I made it in the middle and hoped for the best. I picked up the drink and walked over to the table with it.

Sure enough, a few minutes after I sat down, the redhead came down the stairs and plopped herself down on the table next to me. "Thanks for the coffee" she whispered. I smiled at her and nodded.

She was wearing tight dark blue jeans, a red, white and black checkered shirt with the top button undone and black converse.


She looked so good. Damn. I wish she was mine.

A/N: This chapter isn't as exciting as the last one but I hope you liked it anyway :). See you later awesome nerds.

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