Chapter Three: Titanium

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I'm actually getting reads this is so strange omFG :))))) THANK YOU SO MUCH AH
Chloe's POV:

"AUBREY?" I yelled to my best friend. "YEAH?" She yelled back. "HAVE YOU SEEN MY SHOES?" I answered. "WHICH ONES? YOU HAVE WAY TOO MANY PAIRS" she said which made me laugh, she wasn't wrong. Aubrey walked into my room. I was getting ready for university. "The ones with th-" I was cut off by Aubrey speaking. "You look more decent than usual. Are you trying to impress Beth?" She asked. "It's Beca", I said with a grin on my face. "Whatever. I have seen none of your shoes. Find them yourself" she said with a bit of attitude in her voice. "Thanks?" I replied with, confused as to why she sounded annoyed.

After getting ready, I realised I had half an hour left before I had to leave the house. I totally didn't get up early to make myself look decent for Beca. I sat myself down on my bed and checked my phone for the first time since last night. I was hoping I'd have a message off Beca. I didn't.

I looked at the time. I still had 27 minutes left but I decided to get up and make a move anyway. Maybe I'll actually see Beca today. Hopefully... I walked out of the house and made my way to university.

*Free period at 11:00am*
Free periods usually meant that it was a Bellas rehearsal. As soon as the bell went, I started to make my way towards the others. I walked past class after class. Just like everybody else, I look into every class quickly whilst I'm going past. Most of them were empty. The ones that had somebody in we're just people focusing on unfinished work. A short, thin brown haired girl was in one. But I walked straight past. Then I stopped. Was that Beca? I traced my steps back and looked into the class. She was sorting out papers in an empty class. She had headphones on too, probably listening to her remixes. I slowly opened the door. She had her back turned to me so she couldn't see me.

Beca's POV:
As I listened to my remix of Titanium and sorted out paperwork that a stupid fucking teacher that I didn't even know told me to do, I belted out the song, hoping nobody would hear. "YOU'RE SO GOOD" a girl yelled at me and pushed me against a wall, causing my headphones to fall off. I may as well have had no tits left. "OH MY GOD. DUDE!" I shouted back and pushed her away. My heart was beating so unbelievably fast. "Come on, keep singing!" She said with a happy expression on her face. "NO!" I said, barely being able to speak. "I'll sing with you". She whispered which made me raise an eyebrow. "You know David Guetta?" I asked, surprised. "Have I been living under a rock? Yeah" she said.

At least she knew the song. That's a good thing. Right?

"Okay" I started nervously singing. "I'm bulletproof nothing to lose" she joined in. "Fire away, Fire away. Ricochet you take your aim. Fire away, Fire away. You shoot me down, but I won't fall I am titanium. You shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium"

We had a moment where we looked into each other's eyes. They're just as blue as they were in that photo I saw. She's beautiful. I coughed which broke the silence. "So, will I see you at auditions?" She asked. "Do I get a choice?" I fired a question back. "Yes. But if you say no then you may find me being angry at you for the rest of your life" she replied, adding a wink at the end of her sentence.


I looked down at my feet, trying hard not to let her see me blush. I looked up again to see her smiling at me. I smiled back. "I better go. Bellas rehearsal" Chloe said, looking upset that she had to go. She walked away. Just before exiting the door she said "See you at activities!"

She left the room, leaving me stood there with no expression on my face whatsoever. I was blank. I had nothing to do or say. Then I had an idea. It was the worst but best idea I've ever had. I quickly picked up my bag and put it on my shoulder. I hurried out the door and followed Chloe.

Is this a bad idea? I thought to myself as I turned every corner she turned and walked the way she walked. Finally, she entered a door. The door had a long, rectangle window on it so I could see who was there and what was happening. I peeked through. My eyes met about 5 girls. They were definitely not the same girls I saw when I went to see them perform last year. Though the blonde did throw up everywhere so I guess they all gave up on her after that. Except Chloe. She's glued to blondie's ass so whatever. Then I remembered that she likes her.


My throat made a grumbling sound at the thought of those being together. Was I jealous? No I can't be. I peeked again at the group. They were all listening to Chloe. I tried to eavesdrop but I couldn't hear them over everybody talking in the hallways. I stood against the wall and slid down it, waiting for something to happen. After a few minutes of patiently waiting, they finally did something interesting.

"I've got a new life, you would hardly recognise me-" seriously, the song they sang last year? I thought to myself. It's so old. I made myself high enough to see through the window again. They were dancing. Damn, Chloe didn't look bad though. I lightly slapped myself on the hand trying to bring myself together. Literally nobody could get to me. Nobody. I didn't let anybody. But this girl was special. Really special. She's the only one over ever thought about like this. But why? I guess, I always have to go to other people first. And she was the one to start this 'friendship'... is it even that? I don't know. I kind of push her away. Maybe I shouldn't do that anymore...

"-turn it around". I peeked for the last time, the song was finished and they all striked a pose. Blondie grinned and clapped a little bit. She then said something which I couldn't quite make out. She probably needed to pee or something because as soon as she finished talking, she began to head towards the door. Shit. I rapidly got up and ran away. My heart was beating incredibly fast but it was worth it. She'd bite my ears off if she saw me.

Turns out, she went to get a bottle of water. When I finished running, I tried to play it cool and lean against the vending machine whilst also staring at my phone blankly. She literally came over to me. SHE CAME OVER TO ME. WHAT IS MY LIFE??

"Excuse me, Beth". She said confidently but with attitude. "It's Beca" I replied, more confidently than she did. "Okay, whatever." She said, realising that there's no point in arguing with me because I'll definitely win.


She put her money in and picked up her water. She gave me a horrible look and walked away. I laughed to myself as I leaned against the vending machine.

"Excuse me" a boy said. For gods sake I'm just going to stand in a corner because I'm clearly no use here. I thought to myself. "Sorry" I replied. "It's okay". He smiled at me and bought his drink. I walked outside and made my way to 'my spot' for the last 20 minutes of free period. Ding. I checked my phone to see a message from Chloe.

Chloe😍❤: Text me later ;)

Beca: i will 🙃

Whatever I say, I just can't seem to be... cool.

Eh, oh well

A/N: Hey everybody! I hope you liked this chapter! It's getting exciting now yay! :)

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