Dear Ben

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It upsets me to hear of your loneliness! It's been a few weeks since we relocated to the ship, which is why it has taken me so long to write. It's not as scary as I though it would be, but I still wish you were here. I receive private tutoring while my parents work and there aren't many other children my age on this plane. Even if I wanted to talk to someone, there wouldn't be anyone. So I know how you're feeling. You are a little bit intimidating to other people. You are the son of two amazing people and you are a prodigy on your own.

But I am not intimidated by you. To me, you are the same Ben that I have grown up with. You are caring, intelligent and strong. And I wish I could come back to you. This time apart has truly made my heart grow fonder. Perhaps we have both changed and we only feel this way because we only correspond through letters. But I don't believe that. I believe I would hear your heart call out for me in the way mine calls out for you.

I don't wish for you to be plagued by such troubling thoughts though. I hope that when you begin to feel that way, you will write to me. Even if you don't end up sending the letter, or you send me one hundred in a week, I'd prefer it over anything that distresses you.

You might have noticed that my letters are starting to sound a bit more... eloquent. I practice this type of speech and writing all day in this boring ship, but my solace is that soon, I'll begin to sound like you. You were always so well put together and so posh. It's something I admire about you. But perhaps that is just another way that people get intimidated by you.

I am sending this letter to your new address, so I do hope that you get it! I am excited for you to learn the ways of the Jedi, although I also worry deeply for you. The Sith will do everything in his power to eliminate the Jedi's. I couldn't bear to even think of a world without you.

And as for your "sappiness", I can do nothing but hope I can persuade you to continue to feel those feelings for me. If I could, I would do anything you ask of me. If there is anything that I can feel in the universe, it would be that we were meant to be together. I know that we haven't seen each other in ages, and I know it may be unlikely that we will see each other again in the near future, and that we may even be on opposing sides, but I will wait for you. I would like to hear about your feelings. I would like to hear anything that you have to say to me.

With Care,

Future Mrs. Solo

Dear Mrs. Ren (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now