Twenty Three

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Daniel wetted his lips. The soft breeze blew softly against his skin. He quietly look around as he took each step on the grass.

The greenery was something he loved, especially during hard times. He visited this place a lot when he was younger. A place where calmness met his frustration and a public getaway, which was a garden. He tucked his hands in the pockets of his black sweater, feeling cold as the breeze continue to blow.

The wedding was getting closer, and the chances to cancel it was getting thinner. Daniel was in a hard time, he didn't know what to do. His freedom will be taken away easily with just a bit of forcing.

He took a seat quietly on the bench, playing with the pebbles on the road. Ever since he got here, which was a few weeks ago, he has been thinking nonstop and it causes him headaches. Thinking about something without actually doing it.

"I don't think i can do this," he softly murmured. "Ah," he groaned as he leaned his head to the dark green rusty metal bench.

He sighed again and stood up so he could think as he  walk among the streets of his hometown.

"I can't do this," he whispered again and swallowed his saliva. "I want to love someone I love," he whispered. As much as he wanted to do that but he couldn't. No matter how many times he said he couldn't, it was true anyway. It wouldn't change. He'll stick to what he's doing now and Ong will stick to what he's doing right now.

Thats why i have to move on. His mind finally took a chance to speak. Perhaps I should just forget it, perhaps I should just follow the flow, and perhaps I should just.. get married.

He paused then quickly shook his head. That's enough  of thinking about it. Thats enough of just thinking. I'm sorry Ong, when I told you to hate me, i mean that and i should make you hate me too.

He had sadness stamped on his face. The gummy bunny smiles he had was slowly drifting like his feelings. He had to do what he was given to, there wasn't a choice but just a decision. He wanted to see smiles and happiness but all he could give right now was one being happy about it and one suffered because of it.

He continued his steps and stopped on his tracks as he saw a familiar place where he used to spend a lot of time there. The place where he started to do what brightens his energy, it was the dance practice. The feeling of being in there makes him happy, feeling sweats dripping down his skin showing how hard he was working makes him proud, memorizing steps were much more easier than memorizing theories and formulas, following beats were more addicting than following lectures but it was certainly true that dancing does bring him joy.

The dance practice was on the second floor of an old building, it used to be a big book store but it went to bankruptcy right after another book store opened at the end of the streets. The dance practice wasn't that big, but it was bright and chilly especially during spring. Daniel enjoyed it. Every piece of it, he loved it.

At least I found a temporary getaway.

A/N: well, an update about my life: curently this year is a very important year for me so I'm sorry for lacking on updates. I truly love you guys so much, and i will try as hard as i can to finish this. Thank you.

Ps: early update on wednesday! Woop woop!

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