Twenty Eight

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"You dyed your hair?"Ong asked between his coffee sips.

Daniel was facing the window in front of the metallic sink. The house was filled with the sound of mug clinks since Daniel was busy stirring another cup of coffee.

"Yeah,"he answered still paying attention to his mug. "It's almost blonde plus a bit of brown," He continued with a subtle smile and gave a quick glance towards Ong. Ong nodded silently.

Awkward silence came in, playing a huge role in the cold environment house. Daniel couldn't bear it. Having someone that he used to have jokes with and a partner in dancing now turned into strangers. He unexpectedly turned his face. Looking at Ong's face who was now playing with the spoon of his coffee. Quietly avoiding contacts with Daniel.
"I know you wanted an explanation," Daniel shot a question. He couldn't deal with silence in his conversation.

"I wanted one on the day you left me," Ong quickly shoot answers. The eager in his voice was hinting Daniel so much that he didn't know how to start it off.

"I wanted to, even before i wrote the letters,"

"Then what stopped you?" His voice was slightly raised. He was pissed off.

"I was afraid," Daniel softly answered.

"Afraid?!" He repeated, looking at Daniel in disbelieves as he dropped the spoon from his hand, causing a loud clink on the table. "Afraid of what?!" He shoot questions this time. He lost everything he kept inside.

"Of hurting you!" Daniel raised his voice too. He was pissed as well. He didn't gave in, he wanted to pour in oil inside the fire that Ong caused.

Ong lowered his head. He looked away again.

"Just tell me Daniel!" Ong finally replied.

"I can't,"

"What?!" Ong shouted. "What do you mean you can't?!" He shouted as he stood up from his seat. He gave a bitter glare as eager and anger consumed in his voice.

Daniel's mouth was still zipped. He took a very deep breath as he didn't want to argue.

"You lost me once, are you going to do it twice?"

That sentence caught Daniel's heart breaking. He could hear it torn apart one by one like pieces of glass. He never chose to lose him. Never.

"You want the truth?!" Daniel shouted. Ong fiercely nodded.

"I'm getting married!" Daniel yelled.

Ong sat back on his seat. He opened his lips then closed it again. He observed Daniel as he couldn't believe what he just head. He felt every limbs of his body stopped working. He didn't know what to react, it felt like shit was dumped straight onto his face.

"W-with who..?" Ong stuttered as he gulped his saliva down his throat.

Daniel looked back to his window, he hated himself for doing this. The feelings came back again. He never wanted to tell her name because at the end, one will always get hurt. Always.

Daniel took a deep breath and let out a cold sigh. He was about to open his mouth when a creak of a door suddenly interrupted their heated argument. Both head turned as they saw a figure, walking in with her heels clacking the floor. One had regrets on his face and one had a shocked depressing face.

It was her, Min Hee.

Ong who was almost tearing up looked at Daniel, Daniel was looking at Min Hee and Min Hee was there, with a soft apologetic expression.

"I'm marrying her,"

A/N: i find it suck, but i hope you enjoyed it.

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