Help Me..

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*Jin POV*
I heard Jungkook knock on the door and ask me if I was in there and if was ok. I answered "I'm fine!" in a cheerful voice. But my heart was screaming 'HELP ME!' Then I feel my eyesight blur for a bit moment. I cleaned the blood and washed the razor then I ran out of the dorms then I suddenly felt a wave a dizziness hit me.

I walked to a little park then laid there by a tree. I sobbed a lot. I'm such a crybaby.

I suddenly blacked out.
*Jimin POV*

I saw that Tae and Namjoon yelled at poor Jin. I felt bad so I went to go to see if he was in his room. Before I even got there he ran out of the dorms. I saw Jungkookie-ah there still in shock that Jinnie ran out fast. He went to the others and said "Hello? Are we going to go find Jin?" "Tsk he wasn't scolded we were and he probably went out to go eat because he can't stop eating." Yoongi said with a cold voice. "You guys have no heart I'm going to find Jin!" Jungkook said. "I'm going too!" I said. We both got our jackets and masks then ran outside. We first went to a convenient store and asked if they had seen Jin but they said no. Then we ran to the little park.


I driving  to the park while listening to MY OPPA'S song Awake. Humming away I saw a strange person by a tree.
Huh drunk man?
I parked my van and walked closer.
I take a closer look then I noticed that it was MY OPPA!   MY OPPA! MY OPPA! MY LOVELY OPPA SEOKJIN OPPA! I carried him and took him my car.
And if you were wondering yes, I am a very special fan!
I got to my house and tied MY OPPA up in my basement then sat there staring and his perfection. He was made for me ONLY ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I saw that Jinnie oppa has woken up for me!

"Hi Oppa I saw that you past out by a tree and took you home OUR HOME! My name is HaeMi I'm 24 years old and you and I were meant to be together forever!!! I hope that you don't mind if I leave to my room!  Good night Oppa!"

*Jungkook POV*

Jimin and me walked to a little park not that far from that convenient store and we saw a lady carry a passed out guy then drive away the funny thing is he looked like Jinnie. The only thing I remember is how familiar the man looked.

" Jimin I found Jin's phone !" Then I noticed that that lady didn't just take regular guy she took Jin! I ran to Jimin and said " J-Jimin Y-you s-saw that that lady that took that man right?" "Yeah why?" " I think that was Jin!" Then I told him that he looked like Jin.
* Jin's POV*

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