Chapter Fifteen - The Beginning fo the End Pt. 2

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Once they got out of the mine, they got encircled by Dai Li agents. The Dai Li were just a part of the Red Shadow Demons. All got in their stances ready to attack. Kei Lo and Mai pressed their backs together getting in their stances as well.

The Dai Li agents tried to attack before they were stopped.

"Stop!" A man's voice heard and he walked toward them.

They were probably in the Red Leader's office and the Dai Li were just his guard. The man seemed to be almost fifty years old. He was wearing red shaded clothes with long sleeves.

"Long Feng!" Mai said and she looked hatefully at him. Her friends had told her many things about him, enough to be able to recognize him.

"I barely remember you, but I know the idiots you've got for friends," Long Feng said.

"We've cut every connection we've had with the Avatar and the Fire Lord since the Defender's death," Kei Lo lied.

Long Feng started laughing "You think I'm a fool? You think I don't know about your, so called, 'brilliant' plan? I never wanted to kill the Fire Lord, I just wanted him to end the Monarchy and abandon the Throne," he said.

"Why?" Mai asked confusedly.

"When the Monarchy will stop being the government of the Nation they will search for a new kind of government. Many will wish to rule and chaos will choke the Fire Nation's streets-" Long Feng said with a wide smirk on his face and Kei Lo cut him.

"'ll come out, with your already existent order fully military equipped. The Sages will have no choice than accept you as the new ruler of the Fire Nation," Kei Lo said.

Long Feng chuckled "I will seem like a hero..." he said and he walked towards a nearby table pouring himself a cup of tea "...a Messiah that saved the Fire Nation from its own demise. And that'll be because the Fire Lord was too weak to keep the throne," Long Feng said and he took a sip of his tea. "And then, I'll move to the other Nations. The Earth Kingdom will soon be mine,"

Mai tried to wake up and attack him. She didn't care if there were rocks keeping her hands tied behind her back, she wanted to rip the guy's head off his shoulders. But the Dai Li pinned her back down. Kei Lo tried to attack too. It seemed that their whole plan was a failure. Twelve months of running were for nothing.

"You won't get away with this!"

"I already have," Long Feng said shrugging indifferently and he nudged his agents to take them away.

"You'll lose! If they discover your agents and they make them talk-!" Kei Lo tried to shout but Long Feng cut him.

"They won't tell anything, because... they don't know anything that has to do with my plans," Long Feng said stopping the Dai Li for a moment so he could have a last talk with his prisoners.

"How's that possible?!" Mai asked.

"Everything's possible. It's nothing but an evolved form of the brain-washing we'd used back in Ba Sing Se..." Long Feng answered simply and then he turned at his agents "...take them out of my sight,"


"They'll find out! You hear me?! They'll fight you! You'll lose!"

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(Next Morning)

"The last three spies were caught last night at their attempt for the last four murders. They failed apparently. The extra guard that was suggested by Sokka was the best thing we needed and they've been imprisoned successfully," General Mak said.

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