Chapter 1

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Earth 38

Kara Anxiously paced around the DEO hoping for something anything to get her mind off of Mon El and Imra. Kara didn't hate Imra or Mon El it was just the thought of the man she fell in love with was married to someone else that was what drove her insane.

Soon Winn's computer started going off showing that there was an Alien attack in the industrial district. But before Winn could even turn around in his chair to tell Kara she was already gone. "Well somebody is excited today." Winn said aloud making J'onn chuckle beside him.

When Kara got to the industrial district the place was a mess with rubble everywhere and cars overturned but no alien in sight. "Guys I don't see an alien." Kara said. That's when she heard it a slight click from behind her, but before she could turn around an explosion rocketed her forward and onto the ground.

Kara then got up very painfully her vision blurred. What was that? She thought. She expected to hear Winn's voice yelling through the comms if she was alright, but instead she realized the comm had broke in her fall. As she got up fully she realized what had happened. Cadmus had placed a kryptonite bomb behind her so when she landed it would explode.

"You Kryptonians are so easy to fool." Lillian Luthor said, stepping out of the shadows.

"What do you want from me?" Kara questioned. "I want you dead." Lillian replied right before taking out a pistol and shooting Kara. The bullet was made of kryptonite that slammed into Kara's abdomen making her fall to the ground in pain. Lillian purposefully missing any major organs. "But first I want you to suffer." Lillian said as she walked forward to the helpless alien.

As Kara's vision darkened she could faintly make out Lillian Luthor walking towards her a mischievous smirk plastered on her face. "Yo.. your... you're not go.. going.. to win." Kara stuttered out while standing up ignoring the screaming pain in her abdomen. "Oh aren't I?" Lillian said once again shooting Kara this time in the shoulder.

Kara crumpled to the ground barely conscious she was not going out this way. Kara once again got up but instead of wasting the time to talk to Lillian she used her remaining strength to fly back to Alex's apartment (since it was the closest to the district) crashing onto the balcony and rolling into the living room grunting as she hit the couch coming to a stop.

"KARA!!" Alex screamed while sprinting over to her sisters side. "Al..Ale...Alex?" Kara choked out her pain filled blue eyes focusing on Alex's worry filled brown ones. "Yeah Kara I'm here I'm here." Alex said while trying to hold back tears.

"I cou....could...n't stop the...them." Kara whispered her eyes closing. "No! Kara don't you dare close your eyes!" Alex yelled. "Stay with me Kara. I need you awake." Kara just opened her eyes and nodded slightly in response.

Alex then sprinted into her bathroom to find the medkit. As soon as she found it she rushed over to Kara's side again. "This is going to hurt a lot." Kara didn't respond. She didn't have the energy to. Alex started to cut away at Kara's suit to get to the bullets easier all the while talking to Kara to keep her awake.

They talked about what had happened at the district and why Alex couldn't get a hold of Kara, but after a while and one bullet out and the wound sewn Kara stopped talking. It took a lot out of her to continue and Alex knew this so she just continued to work on the bullet in her sisters shoulder.

Once both the bullets were out and placed in a lead box, the wounds cleaned and sewn then wrapped, and Kara on the couch asleep Alex finally relaxed. So much had happened in the past 2 hours she didn't know what to do. The DEO had been placed on lockdown when a powerful alien had escaped, Kara had been shot and almost killed, and Alex had preformed a small surgery in her living room.

Alex deserved a break, but of course she couldn't really leave her apartment she had to make sure Kara was okay.

Earth 1

It had been a long day for Oliver Queen not just as being mayor, but for the fact that he had one thing on his mind and that was Kara Danvers.

Oliver was deep in thought about her when he hears the door to his office open and Cisco steps in.

"Hey Cisco. What do you need?" Oliver greets him. "Oh nothing I just came to say hello." Cisco replies.

"Oh well have a seat." Oliver motions to a chair. Cisco sits and they start talking. "Hey what do you think Kara's doing?" Oliver asks Cisco. "I don't know probably kicking some aliens butt." Cisco says back. "She would do that." Oliver states.

After about 30 more minutes of talking Cisco finally says "well I should be get going Cait probably needs me back at Star Labs." "Oh yea you probably should. This was fun we should do this again sometime." Oliver says extending his hand. Cisco takes his hand and says "We definitely shou..." He gets cut of mid-sentence by vibing a vision of Kara from a few hours ago when she was laying on the ground looking barely conscious with a bullet wound in her stomach.

He then sees her get up and speak to a women about a hundred yards away from her. "'re not go..going.. to win." "Oh aren't I?" The women replies. He then sees her shoot Kara again, but he didn't see anything else before the vibe ends.

"Oh my gosh." Cisco says once the vibe ends. "What?" Oliver asks but when he doesn't get a response he says again "What did you see Cisco?" "I... Uh... I saw Kara but not the way you would want to see her." Cisco replies dryly "What the heck is that supposed to mean?" Oliver asks worried.

Cisco really didn't want to explain to Oliver what he saw but he knew he was not going to be able to leave Oliver's office without telling him. "Uh... Um I saw Kara on the ground with a bullet hole in her stomach and um... Kara getting up and speaking to a women before being shot again." Cisco tells Oliver

"Did anything happen after that?" Oliver asks, but when Cisco doesn't reply he presses even more. "Cisco what happened?" Oliver raises his voice slightly at the metahuman. "I didn't see anything else after that." Cisco replies.

Time skip 30 minutes

After the metahuman left Oliver still sat in his office contemplating what to do.

Oliver then gathers his stuff in a duffel and contacts Cisco. "Cisco I'm going to need you to breach me over to Earth 38." Over told the meta over the phone. "Okay I will be there in a second." Cisco replies.

Soon a blue breach opens up in the middle of the arrow cave and Cisco hops out. "Okay Cisco I will just need you to breach me there I can find a way back after." Oliver tells him. "Okay then." Cisco says while opening a breach.

Oliver then steps into the blue breach and comes out in the middle of an alleyway it's dark so no one saw him. He then opens up his phone and clicks on Kara's number since he knew someone must have her phone. He hears the phone ring twice before someone picks up on the other end.

"Alex Danvers speaking." Said a woman on the other line. "Uh.. hi this is Oliver Queen I'm a friend of Kara's and I was wondering where I could find her?" Oh well she's not really able to come to the phone right now." Alex replies.

"Please I need to see her.. I... I know she's injured but I still need to see her." Oliver says. "Wait how did you know she's injured?" Alex questions. "I will explain it to you later it's just do you know where I can find her?" Oliver answers. "Yea just come to this address (insert address)." "Ok thank you." Oliver says after he finished putting in the address into his phone.

Ok that seems like a good place to end a chapter and sorry if this story is kind of trash I've never written a story before but I'm trying something new. Word count: 1437

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