Chapter 10

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You guys are probably going to get mad at me this chapter for what I'm about to do and the next 4 chapters may be a little hard to follow, but that's because I ran out if ideas for them and didn't feel like changing them.

Soon after Kara had finally fallen unconscious Oliver gently laid her down on the ground all the way just as a woman walked up to him, and two men went and picked up Kara's unconscious form, putting her in the back of a van.

"Good work Mr. Queen. I didn't believe you would actually pull it off since you two are a couple." The woman said.

"Were a couple." Oliver said correcting the woman.

"Well either way I would've expected any feelings you still have for her to get in the way of your working with us." The woman said.

"The only thing I care about what happens to her is that I'm the one who gets to kill her." Oliver said coldly.

"Well CADMUS welcomes you fully." Lillian says turning around and heading to the waiting van leaving Oliver standing in the the middle of nowhere.


Kara woke with a start, groaning as the strain of the solar flare finally hit her.

Her head was still bloody and she could feel the dried blood on the side of her head. And she soon realized she had a minor concussion.

She looked around the room she was in. Which was made mainly out of concrete with bright overhead lights shining down onto her.

After she got her bearings of where she was she finally looked down at herself and saw that she was strapped down to a slightly raised medical table by her wrists and ankles, all four restraints giving off a green hue.

CADMUS. She was at CADMUS she thought. Soon a door opened from behind her and she heard somebody walk up to the table she was on.

"Ah nice to see your finally awake, how did you like those little power problems?" Lillian asks.

"What do you want from me Lillian?" Kara growled.

"Oh what do I want?" Lillian mocked, "I want you and your kinsman off this earth forever."

Lillian walks up to the table and punches Kara in the stomach, making the hero groan and pull against her restraints to no avail.

"Is that the worst you've got?" Kara asked panting after she had recovered from the hit.

"Oh we're just getting started," Lillian says smirking as she grabbed items off of a table behind her.

Lillian turned around with six electrodes in her hands.

"What are you going to do with those?" Kara asked slightly fearful.

"Nothing you will enjoy," Lillian said while placing the first two electrodes on Kara's temples, she then put two more on her collar bone, one on either side, the last two going on the back of her neck.

"What do you think we should start with on the girl of steel? Maybe 1,500 volts?" Lillian says when handed a remote with a dial on it.

Without waiting for an answer Lillian moves the dial to 1,500 and hits a green button on the remote, instantly Kara feels the electricity flow through her, shooting daggers into her skull, neck, and chest and she has to bite her lip to keep from screaming.

After maybe 3 minutes the electricity stops and Kara can finally catch her breath. But not for very long as a couple seconds later she feels the electricity start again, except this time more intense and her back involuntarily archs up off of the table, and she screams.

Lillian just starts laughing and she cranks the dial up and watches as the hero screams louder and louder as she fights harder to get out of the restraints, but fails.

After around ten minutes the heroes eyes roll back into her head and she slumps onto the table, twitching slightly as the electricity still flows through her unconscious body.

Lillian clicks the red button on the remote which turns off the flow of electricity then turns around and grabs a knife off of the table and smiles to herself, while walking forward and grabbing Supergirl by the chin, raising her head up so that, if Supergirl was awake, she'd be looking straight into her eyes and jabs the knife straight into Supergirl's left shoulder, instantly breaking the skin and causing blood to start seeping from the wound and on to her suit.

Lillian then scoffs at the heroes weakness and signals for two men to move her.

Two guards walk in and remove the electrodes from off of her, while also releasing her from her restraints.

Without anything to hold her up Kara falls to the ground.

The men grab her off of the ground and drag her into a room, the walls lined with cells, one of them occupied by her sister Alex, of course the men didn't know this. They throw her roughly into the cell right next to Alex's. Slamming the cell door shut after she hits the ground.

Alex rushes over to where the cells meet, and reaches through the bars to get to her sister. She's to far away to reach her, but she can barely graze the corner of Kara's cape.

After she gets an okay grip on the corner of the cape Alex starts pulling Kara closer to her through the bars of her cell.

After Kara is close enough Alex inspects her for any physical damage and finds slight burn marks on her skin from the electrodes, the cut on her face, and the stab wound in her shoulder, the blood from it now running down the full length of her arm.

Alex takes of her jacket and then her long sleeve shirt, so that she's only wearing a t-shirt and wraps Kara's shoulder with her shirt, pulling it tight to stem the bleeding as much as possible. She puts her jacket back on and waits for her sister to wake up, fearful of what CADMUS has done to her while also lightly shaking her and saying her name in an attempt to wake her up.

Okay I'm sorry if I seemed really mean this chapter it's all going to make sense later on I promise. Oliver will also be in the next chapter a lot more so just be patient for me to get it out. Word count: 1077

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