Chapter 5

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Okay I'm sorry this took me a while to update, it's just I couldn't thinking any ideas for this chapter and I had a ton of school work, but still it's up and I hope you enjoy it.

Oliver burst through the DEO doors with an unconscious and bloody Kara in his arms surprising everyone.

"Get her to Med Bay 6!" Alex yelled at a few agents who instantly ran over to Kara, putting her on a stretcher.

"What the heck happened?" Alex asked Oliver once she saw the door to the room close.

"I don't know exactly but when I got there she was fighting some alien." Oliver said.

"Well do you have any type of description of the alien?" Alex asked.

"No not really besides the fact that he was humanoid with slits on his face." Oliver said.

"That sounds like a hellgrammite." Alex said.

Oliver was about to reply, but soon heard an alarm sounding throughout the building.

"Armed robbery on (insert address)." Winn said.

"How are we going to stop it if Supergirl is out of commission? I mean we can't just go out there." Alex asked.

"I can stop it." Oliver said "I mean I am a vigilante."

"Are you sure?" Alex asked him.

"Yes I'm sure it's nothing really." Oliver stated.

"Ok well you better hurry then." Alex told him.

"Will do. But just a question do you happen to have any motorcycles?" Oliver asked.

"Yes down in the garage." Alex said.

After Oliver stopped the robbery he went back to the DEO.


"Hey great job out there." Winn told Oliver when he walked into the main control hub.

"Well it wasn't past anything I have faced on my Earth, but thanks anyways." Oliver said shrugging.

Alex then walked out of the room Kara was in and straight to where Oliver was, "Hey Oliver if you want to go see Kara your clear to now."

"Ok thanks Alex." Oliver said.

Once in the room Oliver instantly went to Kara's side. It pained him to see her like this, bloody and broken with heavy bruising on her neck from when the alien tried to strangle her.
She also had 2 broken ribs, a dislocated radius, a bruised sternum, multiple cuts on her face the worst being the one on her temple, and a grade 3 concussion.

Oliver pulled a chair closer to the bed, sitting down. His hand instinctively reaching for hers, tracing small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

After about 10 minutes Oliver felt Kara lightly squeeze his hand. Oliver then saw her eyelids flutter and then open, he could see the raw pain in her eyes.

"Hey there." Oliver said softly once Kara had locked eyes with him.

"Hi," Kara said groggily, smiling weakly.

"How are you feeling?" Oliver asked gently still careful not to talk to loud because of the concussion.

Kara then replied very faintly, "exhausted and sore."

Oliver then noticed her looking at their intertwined hands and smile.

"Hey how long have I been out?" Kara asked suddenly looking back up at him.

"About 6 hours." Oliver replied while looking at his watch to check the time.

"How long have you been sitting there for?" Kara asked.

"Probably close to 15 minutes." Oliver replied.

Kara tried to sit up and winced when she felt a shooting pain in her abdomen, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

This didn't go unnoticed by Oliver as he reached up to first wipe away the tear with his thumb, then to help her ease back into the bed.

"Easy you have a couple of broken ribs, so you probably shouldn't sit up just yet." He said once she layed down all the way.

Kara understanding this didn't try to fight him about it, she didn't have the energy to anyways.

"Well besides some broken ribs what else is broken or injured?" Kara asked.

"Well you have a dislocated radius, a bruised sternum with some cuts on your face and also a concussion." Oliver said.

"Oh, well anything more than that?" Kara asked.

"Not really just some small things. " Oliver said.

After He had said this Kara started to close her eyes again, wanting nothing more than to sleep again, but felt Oliver squeeze her hand lightly and say, "Hey let Alex check you out then you can rest okay."

Kara then blinked to keep her eyes open and Oliver called for Alex, Kara wincing from the sound of his voice agitating the concussion a bit.

A couple seconds later Alex walked in and started running a couple of tests on Kara to see if she was healing alright, which she was.

After about 5 minutes Alex finally turned to Kara and said, "you are healing, but I'm going to need you to stay at the DEO for a little while longer just so I can make sure you're okay."

Kara then nodded and Alex left to go back to whatever it was she was doing before.

Oliver then walked back up to the side of her bed having to resist the urge to reach up and caress her cheek. So instead he just sat down and grabbed her hand again.

Kara didn't protest about it. It actually made her feel safer when he was there next to her.

Kara then felt herself drifting off again, but didn't feel Oliver try to keep her awake so she let herself drift off.

Right before Kara did however she heard Oliver whisper "I love you Kara Zor-el."


When Kara woke up again it was the middle of the night and activity had decreased significantly in the DEO except for the agent every now and then.

Alex walked in after she noticed Kara was awake and asked, "hey how are you feeling?"

"Fine just a little sore." Kara replied trying to sit up.

"Yea well most of your injuries have healed, the ones that haven't all the way are your ribs and the concussion, but those should heal by the morning." Alex said helping Kara up.

"Ok and Alex where's Oliver?" Kara asked.

"Oh he's in the bunk room. He sat with you for most of the time you were asleep, but decided to go to bed about an hour ago." Alex replied.

"Okay I just wanted to talk to him about something he said earlier." Kara replied looking down, embarrassed.

"Well you can tomorrow, but for now just get some rest." Alex said, kissing Kara on the top of the head before turning around and leaving the room.

Kara just smiled at herself before lying back down and falling asleep.

Okay so this might be bad and I'm sorry but I've just been hitting a writer's block and this was the only idea I had for this chapter. Word count: 1141

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