Chapter 15

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Oliver sat by Kara as she still lay unconscious underneath the sun lamps. Kara had been unconscious for two days and Oliver rarely left her side.

Mon el had been released so he and the Legion were keeping the crime level down in the city while Kara recovered.

"Come on Kara wake up for me," Oliver said as he sat by Kara, caressing the back of her hand.


Kara started to come to, a bright light bearing down onto her, while someone was gripping her hand.

She tried to squeeze whoever's it was, only slightly doing so, but it was enough as she felt them squeeze back.

After she felt the person squeeze her hand the lights go out. Kara had a massive headache as she opened her eyes to see Oliver sitting next to her.

"Welcome back der Sonnenschein," Oliver says once Kara opens her eyes.

Kara stares at him before saying, "When did you learn German?" Reaching up to rub her forehead, while also sitting up.

"When did you learn to understand German?" Oliver asks getting a glare from Kara in response, her hand still on her forehead.

"I'm an alien Oliver. I think I would know more than just English," Kara says, putting her hand down.

"And I'm from another universe, and also a vigilante that has needed to learn multiple languages," Oliver says back. Kara just groans and Oliver smirks in victory.

"Du ist verrückt," Kara says switching to German

"Und du ist ein Dummkopf," Oliver says matching Kara as she scoffs.

"That was just mean," Kara pouts.

"I'm sorry," Oliver says while kissing her. Kara kisses him back until he suddenly pulls away.

"Is that crazy?" Oliver asks smirking.

Kara just shakes her head and smacks him on the arm. "Shut up."

Oliver fakes her hit hurting him as she looks up in worry. "Did I hurt you?" Kara asks covering her mouth with her hands.

Oliver bursts out laughing as Kara catches on to what he was doing and glares at him, making Oliver laugh even harder.

"You're so immature," Kara says flustered at him.

"Yea, but that's why you love me," Oliver says giving her a small kiss on the lips.

"I do love you," Kara says after he pulls away.

The two sit there just laughing at each other before Oliver decides to change the mood.

Oliver looks at the ground sheepishly before finally saying, "What did they do to you? At CADMUS I mean."

Kara took a deep breath. "They didn't really do anything to me physically, but mentally I wish I could say the same," Kara said while moving over on the bed so Oliver could sit down next to her.

"What happened?" Oliver asked and when Kara looked down, tears in her eyes he quickly added, "If you don't want to tell me yet that's okay. Tell me when you're ready."

"Thanks I... I don't... I don't want to talk about it yet. It's a little to soon," Kara said accepting his offer.

Oliver nods and wraps his arms around her as she buries her head into his chest, wrapping her own arms around his torso. Kara then starts to cry as Oliver strokes her hair, knowing how hard it is.

Oliver grabs her tighter once she starts shaking. "Are you okay Kara?" Oliver asks, feeling her body start to feel colder.

Kara just shakes her head and Oliver turns the sun lamps back on, trying to get her warmer.

I'm Sorry For Everything (SuperArrow fan story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now