Chapter 17

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This is going to be a couple weeks after my last books chapter and Oliver is back with Kara on Earth 38. I'm actually kind of proud of the second part of this chapter.

"Another win for Green Arrow and Supergirl," Winn said, turning around in his chair as Kara and Oliver walked in.

"Well that wasn't that hard. Just a couple of robbers. Why do they try if they know I'm just going to stop them?" Kara furrowed her eyebrows.

"Probably hoping to get a time when you don't stop them," Oliver replied.

"Even if I didn't stop them you or the police would."

"That is true, but nonetheless it means we get to spend more time together."

Kara smiled. Each time Oliver complimented her she would blush, and each time he would smile.

"Anything else Winn?" Kara asked, looking away from Oliver.

"Hm? No.. not at the moment no. You guys did good," Winn said after turning back around.

"Tell us if there is," Kara nodded.

"Are you guys ever gonna let my girlfriend do her job?" Alex asked, holding hands with Maggie as Kara and Oliver turned around to face them.

"If she ever wants to stop one then she just has to ask," Kara smiled.

"By the time I want to ask you two have already gotten there," Maggie defended herself.

"Sorry my girlfriend has superspeed," Oliver said, wrapping his arm around Kara's shoulders and Kara slightly curled into him.

"Fine that's fair, but next robbery is mine. You got that little Danvers?" Maggie said while pointing at Kara.

"Loud and clear... detective dimples," Kara mumbled the last part and Oliver started chuckling.

"Good and just for the record I did hear you. I might not have your hearing, but mines still pretty good."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Guys we have a problem. Lex Luthor just broke out of prison," Winn suddenly said, getting everyone's attention to turn to him.

"How and when?" Alex asked.

"They don't know yet, but I think it has to do with his resources outside of prison and about an hour ago."

"Who's Lex Luthor?" Oliver asked, confused.

"Well if you've ever met Lena it's her crazy brother that tried to kill Superman before. He stopped him of course and put him in prison, but apparently he escaped," Kara explained.

"So I'm guessing not just some low-life criminal?"

"Not even close. He has enough weapons besides kryptonite to actually kill Kara," Alex explained.

"Got him!" Winn yelled.

"Where is he?" Kara asked, looking at the screen.

"He's... well he's actually just standing in the middle of a field about ten miles outside of the city. In his warsuit. That's strange, he's sending out some sort of signal," Winn answered.

"Do we know what the signal is?" Maggie finally spoke up.

"It seems to be something similar to Myriad, but not to that degree and seems to be tuned to only about 100 yards any direction from him.

"Well then how is he withstanding it?" Alex asked.

"It must be something in his suit. I could see what it is, but that would take..."

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