Chapter 2

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When Oliver got to the location he was surprised to see an apartment complex. He remembered Kara had mentioned a secret government agency so that's where he thought she'd be but no it was just your normal everyday apartment complex.

Oliver got to the door and took a deep breath. Why am I so nervous? He thought to himself as he grabbed the knocker and banged it three times.

Almost instantly Alex opened the door and asked, "Are you Oliver?" "Yes I am." He responded immediately.

"Let me see your ID." Alex told him. He instantly got it out and showed it to her.

After looking at it she moved out of the way to let him in. "Thank you." He replied.

"Sure I can see you care about her." Alex replied moving over to an arm chair near the couch with Oliver taking a seat at the table.

After a while of the two sitting in silence Alex finally asked, "So how did you know she was injured?"

"Oh well first off I live in another universe and I have a friend there that can see things happen just by touching an object. And he had shaken my hand and gotten... we call it vibes but anyway he vibed her getting shot so that's how I know." Oliver explained.

Alex just stared at him for a few moments looking to see if she could find any signs of lying. When she found none she replied "Wait so you're from another universe?"

"Yes I am I live in the same universe as the Flash. I was told you've heard about him." Oliver said.

"Yea I've heard about him. Wait so you're also here because your friend vibed her getting shot?" Alex questioned.

"Yes. I came as soon as I could after hearing that." Oliver said.

"Okay well thank you she could probably use the help of whatever it is you do." Alex said.

"I'm an archer." Oliver said after hearing that. "I also am the Mayor of my city back on my Earth."

"Ok well welcome to National City then Mr. Or should I call you Mayor Queen?" Alex asked.

"Either is fine but I would prefer Oliver if that's all right." Oliver said.

"Well then Mr. Oliver I hope we can get along." Alex said smiling.

"Me too Alex." Oliver replied a small grin finding his way onto his lips.

"Hey can you stay here with her just in case she wakes up I need to go check in for work?" Alex asked standing up walking towards the door.

"Yes of course." Oliver responded.

"Ha I can see why she likes you so much." Alex said while grabbing her keys off of the table.

"What she likes me?" Oliver asked very confused.

"Yea she hasn't stopped talking about you. Must be because of how nice you are." Alex responded while opening the door and leaving closing it behind you. Ceasing any conversation.

For the next minute or two Oliver just sat there dumbfounded. She likes me? Oliver asked himself, but was brought out of his thought when he heard Kara gasp and sit up.

"Woah easy, easy there." Oliver said walking over to the arm chair in the living room that Alex had been in previously.

"Oliver?" She questioned confused as to why he was there. "Where's Alex?"

"She had to go to work but asked me to stay with you." Oliver answered while gently laying her back down then moving back to the arm chair.

"Oh well. Wait why are you here?" She asked thoroughly confused now.

"Cisco vibed you getting shot and I got worried so I jumped universes to make sure you were okay." He told her looking down to her tattered and bloody suit.

"Well thank you it means a lot." Kara said almost in a whisper.

"You're welcome. One thing you don't do as friends is abandon each other." Oliver said to her.

Kara then sat up straight only to close her eyes and double over in pain.

"Woah hey take it easy." Oliver said watching her as she slowly layed back.

"For having the ability to heal quickly these bullet wounds suck." Kara said once she had laid down completely.

"Well how did the bullets even harm you?" Oliver questioned. "Last I saw you were nearly indestructible."

"Well yea almost indestructible. I can still be hurt by kryptonite. Which I'm guessing those bullets were made out of." Kara answered slinging her arm over her eyes.

"Krypto...kryptonite what's that." Oliver questioned.

"Well when Krypton exploded little parts of it rained down on Earth some of them are able to weaken me but others have different effects." Kara answered bluntly. "The one that weaken me are a green color but there are also orange, purple, silver, white, gold, and black for natural ones but for synthetic there are red and blue."

"What exactly do each of them do?" Oliver asks extremely curious.

"Well green as you know weakens me, orange gives animals powers, purple is like green just rarer, silver makes you see your worst enemy, white kills all plant life, gold makes kryptonians lose their powers for a short amount of time, and black makes kryptonians split into two personalities the good and the bad." Kara said.

"What about the synthetic kinds? What do they do?" Oliver asks.

Kara shrugs before answering. "Blue doesn't do anything to me but it can hurt the bizzaros of me and red makes me evil."

Oliver just stared at her for a few minutes before blinking. She had said that like it was the most boring thing ever.

"I only know about the green, red, blue, gold, and silver by experience the others I learned from Clark." Kara said.

"Clark? Who...Who's Clark?" Oliver asked.

"Oh he's my cousin better known as Superman." Kara answered.

"Oh that makes sense." He said while moving back over to where she was laying on the couch.

After Oliver was right next to where she was lying he then realised how defeated she actually looked.

"Hey you should get some rest. I'll be right here if you need me." Oliver told Kara

"Thank you." Kara whispered locking eyes with him as she grabbed his hand.

Oliver at first surprised by the action then eased into it. "You're very welcome."

Kara then closed her eyes and fell asleep her hand still clasped lightly in Oliver's.

This chapter I started getting into the Emerald Steel fluff.

There are more colors and types of kryptonite but I didn't want to name all of them. Fun fact in season 1 episode 3 of supergirl the way reactron could almost kill supergirl was because his chest unit was powered by gold kryptonite. Word count: 1129

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