Chapter 18

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Blinding white light flooded her eyes as they slowly opened, making her quickly close them again. A small whimper escaped her lips as the pain slowly started to register.

"Three cracked ribs, slight internal bleeding, a nice concussion. Not to mention how many bruises and cuts cover your body. You did good, Kara."

Kara groaned as she turned her head towards her sisters voice, cracking an eye open to see Alex's smiling face staring down at her. She had a clipboard in her hand as she locked eyes with Kara.

Kara somehow managed a small smile before quickly squeezing her eyes. She groaned as she felt a wave of nausea pass over her. She could feel the pain behind her eyelids as she wished the headache would go away.

Slowly the feeling passed as her senses slowly started registering everything again. She felt the heat from the sun lamps, and heard the steady beep of the heart monitor. She could also feel an IV in her arm and didn't need to ask how they got a needle into her.

"I guess I figured out how to get rid of my crinkle," Kara joked.

"We should get you on painkillers more often if you're going to start cracking jokes," Alex said, faking surprise.

"Shut up."

Alex laughed at her sister who was giving a very small smile.

Kara opened her eyes again and now could see that Alex was in a different outfit then before and she slightly shot up, groaning when her body protested.

Alex immediately helped Kara ease back. "Easy, easy, you just woke up. I wouldn't get up just yet."

Kara tried taking a deep breath, but her broken ribs restricted her to having to take short breaths. "How long until I'm healed?"

"My guess is three hours. That is if you stay underneath the lamps, but knowing you you'll probably leave."

Kara laughed weakly at Alex before Winn busted through the door, panting. "Sleeping beauty is finally awake?" Winn joked once he got his breath back. "No really it's good to see you awake Kara. This week has been boring without you."

Kara's eyes widened when she heard the last part of Winn's sentence. "Week? I've been out for a week?"

"Yes and don't worry James told Lena that you weren't going to be in for a while. I think it would be good for you to go see her," Alex said, writing a few things on her clipboard.

Kara swallowed thickly and closed her eyes. "Where's Oliver?" Kara said, her eyes snapping open.

"He's at your apartment. He's made sure that the crime level has stayed down while you recovered. He's actually quite good against aliens."

"Can I go see him?" Kara asked hopefully.

"Once you're strong enough to stand on your own," Alex assured.

"That's it? No fight?" Kara asked, ignoring the pain in her ribs.

"Well I doubt I could stop you anyways and I know that you will be somewhat careful," Alex shrugged.

Kara smiled as Alex planted a kiss on her forehead. "Get some rest."


Kara groaned as one of her ribs knitted itself back together. Alex had cleared her even when she could clearly see that she wasn't healed.

Kara knew she should still be at the DEO, but it was late and she hated being there at night. All the dark hallways and stairwells gave her the creeps.

She floated outside her apartment building. She knew Oliver was there, but it still made her nervous.

She carefully flew done next to the window. She opened the window and stepped in, tripping over her couch and falling on the ground.

I'm Sorry For Everything (SuperArrow fan story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now