Wake me up when it's all over

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Erica hey Erica wake up...Cyn is that you?..muttered Erica.

Cyn: Hey baby are you ok..you scared me I called a million times on my way over here I wanted to find out if you needed anything,  cause I stopped to get something to eat  I was so hungry. .when I finally got over here..I was banging down the door, then I realize the door was open so I let myself in..I came upstairs and I found you here.. out cold. I was just about to call the abulance .."I saw a bottle of pills on the bed it seemed like Erica had overdosed on some meds, they looked like advil cause there were  some on the floor."

Erica: Babes ohh gosh you are not going to believe this..I just had the scariest dream and it was so real.

Cyn:Babes let me help you up, try and sit up please..I think u need to drink some water,  I am going to get a glass can u manage till i get back?

Erica: Yes I think so..could you make that orange juice instead please.. (rubbing my forehead)

Cyn: Sure hun..just don't move I will only take a sec.

Erica: No that dream was too real something doesn't seem right at all.

In the dream before I heard Cyn's voice. .I got a phone call from a police station asking if I would take a collect call from Albee.

Wait just to make  sure,  let me give her a call.

dialing..914*******...ringing. .ringing....

hey you've reach yuh girl Albee I am not here to take your call but be a good sport and leave a message..I'll surely get back to you byeee.

Erica started to get nervous so she tried calling again after 3 tries she stopped...at this time Cyn was walking back in the room with the orange juice in her hand.

Cyn: Erica here drink this..and tell me what happened ok?

Erica: Well Cyn...I feel weird cause I think I told you what happened earlier..now I am coming to terms that it was a dream..suppose I tell u again and find out that this is a dream too..then what!

Cyn: I think it's the meds..cause Erica isnt making much sense right now." Babes ok forget about what happened ok, this is not a dream I am here..I think u need to see a doctor. .I will take you  to the emergency room ok.

Erica: No, no Cyn I am ok ..please no hospital or doctors. .

Cyn: but..

Erica:Baby please just give me a hug that's all I need right now.

Cyn took the empty glass out of Erica's hand and.. placed it on the night stand and hugged her. This feels so good Cyn..I feel so safe with you please don't leave me or curse me out like in ma dream..I felt so humiliated and angry.

Ok Erica I promise I wont leave you ...Cyn answered in a sincere tone of voice. Poor Cyn she is so confuse, for one she doesnt know what really happened earlier with Erica..nor what she dreamt about..all she could do was wait and hope Erica was alright.

Next morning..Cyn and Erica had fallen asleep cuddled tightly. .like a mother holding on to her new born baby.

Cyn woke up first and decided to make some breakfast. .so she slowly wiggled her way out of Erica's arms..she didn't want to wake her up.

Cyn had  prepared  some oatmeal porridge and couple slices of toast..she placed it on a tray and went back upstairs to check on Erica..Cyn entered the room ..

Cyn: hey baby you are up..here is some breakfast you must be hungry.

Erica: Hey Cyn!!!you are really here..yes I am starving and my head is beating like a drum.

Cyn Santana and Erica Mena (LOVE IS ENOUGH)Where stories live. Discover now