Dealing with Dollaz $$$

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Cyn: So what have you been up to since our last encounter?

Erica: I wanted to say thinking about you! ...but instead I replied just coming back from Miami I went to visit family, Now I am here going to the studio in a bit.

Cyn: ok that's good, hmm so do you know that girl over there, she has been staring over here for awhile.

Erica: I didn't have to turn around I knew it was Shay, lol yes that's my friend she came here with me. She is my bodyguard,..smiling

Cyn: Is that so, never knew  you needed protection..interesting.

Erica: What about you?

Cyn: What about me!

Eric: Do you need protection...

Cyn: I am a big girl I can take care of myself,  thanks.

Eric:  Ha ha! I hear you loud and clear Miss Santana. well I have to get going, so can I have your number hun?

Cyn: Sure, give me your phone I will put it in. I will give you a shout so we can hang out when you are not with your bodyguard or when you are not too busy.

Eric: If only she could read my mind...I could see her lips moving and all I wanted to do was hold her face and plant a kiss on her, that would surely make her wet those jeans..,"well I know I will be calling and I am always free for you."

Cyn: Wow that sounded like you were coming on to me Ms. Mena , but sorry to burst your bubble I dont bat for that team I am strictly dickly.  The only pussy I love is ma own.

Erica: What a foul mouth you have, "laughing hysterically" I have heard that before,  but I respect that, we can be friends for now.

Cyn: Yeah we cannot be more than friends ....well unless you want me to be your bff *wink*

Erica: Sounds great, well Cyn it was my pleasure seeing you again..I wont stay away for this long again I promise. ..I held her hands and smile I could see her cheeks getting red as she blushed...well then again I know I have that special charm..mena magic baby.

Cyn: Why is she holding my hand like this and why am I here blushing like a teen girl when they see the boys in One Direction...naah let me move my hand before she goes away with it. OK ERICA I WILL SEE AROUND REMEMBER WE ARE BFF NOW, smiling..she blew me a kiss and walked away.

Shay: So please dish!!!! you guys were talking for a pretty long time.

Erica: Well I went over there and asked her if she remembered me and she said we exchanged number and I can tell you here and now she is my future wife.

Shay: WOW ERICA MENA MARRIED TO A WOMAN (startender) I could just see the headlines now, Mona would just love that..haha.

Erica: Speaking a Mona , shit! Ritch must be pissed I  am so running late,  come on Shay . I dropped ma fren off at her grib and drove all the way to the studio...thank god I didnt get a speeding ticket  cause I was driving hella fast. Now pulling up outside the studio I could feel  my blood running cold I knew this nigga is going to start some shit.

Hey Rich,

Rich: Mena where have you been ?I said come tonight but  that usually means 6-8 it is after 9pm..I don't think you take this seriously. So what mena you think you are a star now you don't need  Dollaz, well  just remember,  without me you wouldnt be making any $$$$$.

Erica: So this is what I came fuck you Rich dont talk to me like that I am so tierd of you..I just stepped in and you be barking like some fucking street dog, and please stop talking about you making me into a star, nigga ma looks and talent got me this far. I pay you  memba that.

Cyn Santana and Erica Mena (LOVE IS ENOUGH)Where stories live. Discover now