Chapter 17

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"Move over!" I complained as I pushed Aiden more to his side of the bed.

"you can't be serious?" he sights, "you have like three-quarters of the bed!" he pushed me more towards my side.

"I'm suppose to, it's my bed." I kicked him softly in his back to his side of the bed. I laughed so hard when he fell off. My face was turning red and my tummy was getting soar from my abs (not literally abs ) from tensing it because of my laughter. I spread myself across the bed as I saw him stand up from the floor.

"Move," He demanded.

"No!" I smirked, "sleep on the floor!"

"Cindy bab-" we both looked at each other, "Move!"

I laughed, "What are you going to do about it?"

He thought for a minute. "I will throw you a spider!" he said looking around the room. He knows how much I hated spiders! He looked disappointed when he couldn't find any. "Alright," he smirked

I rolled on my back so I was facing the bed. He placed his body on top of my and put his arms between the bed my my stomach. He rubbed his face on my back and got himself comfortable.

"Get off!" I screamed, trying to catch my breath.

"No." he said simply

"I can't breathe!" I seriously was running out of breath.

"What do you say?" he said

"Are you serious? Now is not time to play games Aiden! I'm going to die! get off me."

"You had your fun now it's my turn!"

"Alright what do you want!?" I asked him. I needed him to get off or I might actually run out of breath and die.

"HMMMM....." he thought, "I'll get off IF, I can cuddle you to sleep." he said growing tighter onto me.

"Get a pillow!" I yelled trying to break free but he was too strong for me.

"Nope." he said popping the 'P', "goodnight."

"Fine! Fine! Just get off me," and with that he released. I took deep breaths and turned the light off. I didn't face him but I felt how warm it was when he cuddled me.

"Goodnight," he said. I rolled my eyes and closed them. I could picture him saying it with a smirk.


I woke up and looked at the clock siting in my bedside table. What?! it's already 10:30?! I rushed to the shower and took a bath. Put some make up on and opened my wardrobe to find an outfit that I could wear for brunch I was going to have with Shane today. I decided to go with floral dress that was casual with a summer look. I grabbed gray sandals and a grey purse. I blow dried my hair and headed down stairs.

"Goodmorning!" Aiden greeted happily as he chewed his toast.

I gave him a 'I will kill you later' look and Savannah burst out laughing.

"Somebody didn't get a goodnight sleep!" she mumbled loud enough that I could hear. I think she did it on purpose.

I glared at them both and raised and eyebrow. "I almost forgot how annoying you are to sleep with! Your sleeping on the couch tonight!" I said heading to the door. I grabbed my car keys and drove off to the cafe. Savannah and Aiden were meeting me later in town to go to the park.

"Took you long enough!" Shane said with a smile. I raised my sunglasses up and placed it on top of my head. I gave her a hug and a kiss on both cheeks.

"I have missed you!" I said sitting down

The waiter came and got our order.

"Any news?" I said taking a sip of my tea. I prefer drinking tea than coffee. It soothes me.

"Well me and Ben broke up," she sights.


"Last week! I don't know just got sick of him,"

I laughed, "you get sick of boys that easily,"

"No he was too clingy like OMG. I'm not even kidding!" he laughed.

Our conversation went on and on. when I realised it was already 1:30pm.

"Awh shoot!" I said finishing my salad. Shane gave me a strange look.

"I have to meet Aiden and Savannah at the park," I continued. "Do you want to come?"

"Yeah sure, nothing better to do anyways." she said.

"Hey!" Savannah screamed running and jumping onto me. I was surprised I can catch her. Thank God for gyms or else I'll be broken. She weights just a bit more that I do.

"Hey you! Is Aiden giving you hard time?" I said still carrying her like a baby. She gripped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"He's annoying don't ever leave me alone with him or I'll just kill myself." she murmured.

Aiden came closer and gave me a kiss on the cheeks. What the--

"Hey honey I'm home! how's our little hippo?" he teased tapping on Savannah's back.

Savannah got off me and slap his arms.

"Really Aiden. Get fucked," she said simply

"Yous are so immature!" I said laughing at them, "This is Savannah, and you already know Aiden." I said to Shane

Savannah and Shane smiled at each other.

"See you have no one with you Shane, got sick of the last time again?" he winked at Shane.

I never understood their relationship, they hated each other but they don't? if you know what I mean.

"Haha!" Shane said sarcastically, "Actually, we're still together."

I looked at Shane with confusion. I noticed her eyes had a "play along" look, so I just kept quiet.

"Wow! Hope it last for 2 weeks," he teased.

"It will." Shane smirked.

"When will I meet this guy? since yous are all serious and stuff," he said laughing at his own joke.

"uhm, his busy." Shane lied.

"Ah I see, already sick of him. wow suprise there!" Aiden said sarcastically.

"Maybe he just doesn't want to meet you!" Shane said. nice comeback.

"Or Maybe you'really lying and you actually got bored." He was about to continue talking when Shane interrupted.

"Fine. meet him tomorrow. Come over for dinner." she said raising her eyebrows and folding her arms.

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