Chapter 2: Healing Wounds

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Eren's POV:
Hours seemed to pass before I sensed another life form enter the room. A tall man who had two-toned hair and an equestrian like demeanor plastered on his mug stomped in with a grumble. He precariously placed a tray with a sweet smelling loaf of bread that still had steam wafting off the top and some water onto a table that stood behind me, one I hadn't even noticed previously. My gag was removed and allowed my jaw to fall slack although it achingly strained my muscles to move it once more. To my confused state, the man went as far as to untie my restraints, careful to unlock and unwrap each chain in a way that wouldn't become tighter from some false tug. He promptly slapped my butt to my distaste, and I jumped up quickly only to stumble. The man caught his hand in the square of my chest with a frown.

"Calm yourself, inspector," he spat. "I can't have you knocking yourself unconscious before I've even examined you while you're awake. You've been down for a while so your muscles will take a while to respond to your body. Eat and drink first. Then, I'll be examining you top to bottom. Think of it as a physical. And trust me, nothing's poisoned. If it was, Sasha would be dead by now." I raised a brow but simply nodded. He leaned against the wall as I pulled the chair up and began to nibble the bread. It wasn't stale or bad. Quite the opposite actually. It reminded me of when I'd walk along the streets holding the mother's hand. There had been a small pastry shop run by a lovely couple. They'd always give me little delights like this each time we visited.

Of course, those days were over.

"So, who exactly are you?" I asked the man after some time. The guy glared at me for a moment before looking straight back at the wall.

"Jean Kirstein," he replied. "I'm a medic helping out Levi for the time being." His words made me stop for a moment.

"You don't work for him?" Jean shrugged.

"I'm not obligated by any means to stay here, but I owe the guy more than I can explain. Someone like you would never understand. After all, inspectors like you are the worst. Every single one of you is a suicidal bastard. Of course, you're at the top of that list, Eren Yeager," he answered. "Now, stop asking me questions and eat your goddamn bread. I might feel nice enough to look you over professionally instead of castrating you where you stand."

"Ah, sorry. I didn't know talking was a crime now." Jean suddenly came over and grabbed my shirt. We stared at each for a long moment. Would he punch me while I was in this weak state? Where did this man's morals lie? I could tell this guy was wise enough to know I was testing him. With a grunt, Jean dropped me down to my chair and gritted his teeth.

"Cheeky bastard. Just hurry it up. You'll need your strength if you want to survive the next extraction," was all he said. I paused as his words piqued my interest.

"Extraction?" Jean cursed as he'd realized he'd spoken too much.

"Just forget it," he muttered. I finished the small meal, and Jean looked over my body. I was worried that he would take advantage of me, but the man seemed to be truthful. His movements were like that of my regular doctors. He respected me enough yet made sure my body wouldn't be strained from being trapped for so long.

As he finished, he hummed to himself.

"You're not too badly injured. That left shoulder of yours has a few stressed tendons, but this should help you," Jean said. He pulled small container the size of a tuna can out of his pocket. I recognized it as a highly effective muscle rub, one that was pricey and not easily sought out for. "Don't waste it. It's hard enough getting regular supplies. Levi's orders were that you were provided for cautiously, so I expect you to take care of yourself."

"Why would Levi care for me anyway?" I said. "Aren't I a prisoner?" Jean raised a brow.

"Would a prisoner be alive with a guy like Levi around?" he retorted snobbishly. "Here's my five cents, inspector. Keep your wits about you and don't disobey Levi. Keep things simple, and the pieces will fall accordingly. That brain of yours won't know right from wrong in a place like this. You're special and different from most people. I can't say much more than that, alright? Now, shut your mouth. He'll be coming soon." He motioned for me to turn around where he applied the cream, stroking it and working out the kinks in my body. Almost instantly my arm fell slack against my side, all my nerves calming within seconds. Jean helped me get dressed again, and then he massaged me. As much as I hated to admit it, it wasn't too bad.

Yet, I could only wonder what Levi wanted with me. I was an average officer, no one big or necessarily small either. My presence was surplus at most. Even so, Jean made a point. If I was a prisoner, I would be dead just as Levi had killed the others. He was a frigid man, a murderer, and a cold-hearted man who knew nothing but blood lust. What value made me priceless that Levi would want me alive and healthy? There was nothing out of the ordinary for me.

My thoughts were interrupted as Jean pulled away just as the doorknob turned and pushed inward so emotionless eyes met ours.

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