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Levi's POV:
"It's been a long time since I've been whole. At least a decade has passed since I've been able to walk on two legs of my own flesh. You wouldn't know how it feels to have that taken away. You don't know what it's like to be crippled, unable to do anything when you're nothing but a scarecrow. But now, you get to have that chance, don't you, Grisha?"

I gripped a clean skinning knife in my hand, tracing the blade's serrated teeth beneath my finger pads. I stared down at the man sitting limply in his chair. His brown hair was a disheveled mess and his bulbous grained yellow eyes glimmered with bloodshot veins. Stripped of his rank, he was nothing but a poor old man chained to a chair, wrists and ankles rubbed raw from the chaffing dotting his flesh.

"I wonder if you'll peel as easily as an orange," I mused. I sliced and embellished the scream that protruded from Grisha's hoarse throat, so dry and yet grabbing any oxygen his lungs could muster. I incised a simple little one inch by four inch rectangle, a patch on his arm, before lifting it from its flesh. That meat of his arm left tendrils dangling like little streamers strewn about his body.

I did it again. And again. And again. I did it savoring each cry that gestured from his figure, every croon that trickled from his voice, and the agony and sorrow that drowned out his pleas.

"Levi, Levi, Levi," he moaned. "I'm sorry. No more. Please."

"Your words fall on deaf ears, Grisha," I scathed, gritting my teeth relentlessly. Suddenly, a cold hand brushed across my cheek, and I turned to see a man hobbling over.

"You shouldn't lock your jaw so tight. You end up looking like that old man who always spits tobacco on an old porch, rocking back and forth in your old rocking chair," he mused. "I see you've certainly taken your time with making a mosaic of my father."

"Eren," I greeted. "Should you really be up and moving right now? I was sure Hanji told you to rest." Eren shrugged as he came to stand beside me, his temporary peg leg supporting his uneven weight distribution as his arm came to a little nub which was held in a cast. His single green eye graced over the lump of his father who heaved and cried as blood ran down the wrinkles adorned upon his body.

"I should say the same to you, Levi," he mused. "You owe me. I literally paid an arm and a leg for you, and you take them to beat on my father within five days of waking. Don't you suppose he's had enough for now? I did not transplant my eye into him for nothing. He will heal, and you can continue to torture him eternally later. I'm hungry, so join me for dinner." I hummed in response already growing anxious as small bouts of steam rising from where Grisha's cells had begun to replenish. As Eren and I walked to the cafeteria, I still can't believe what had occurred. The man who once murdered my mother and then took my life was now at the mercy of my hand for as long as I desired. And to now understand that I was used over and over without any hope of a future, these superhuman hybrids are also my forth bringing brethren. I have a hand on evil, yet the evil was what I wanted to dispel. It's ironic the way fate has brought me here.

My enemies are now comrades, and my comrades are now colleagues. The mafia that I once extensively ruled in the shadows of the city seemed like a fading dream. I no longer had to hide, and everyone had a real home. There was no more scavenging for food and no more defending ourselves against everyone. The Underground still existed, but we have a new doorway to ridding that forever. The Police Department Head Pyxis Dot made a deal to allow our mafia gangs as honorary independent Black Operation Units for the city, as per the new head inspector's requests.

"How does it feel to be in charge?" I questioned. "Must be a shift for you, Chief Inspector Yeager."

"It is strange, but I don't dislike it. The free coffee now has free creamer," Eren answered. I huffed slightly and rolled my eyes.

"Like you need more energy. Rest should be your priority."

"And you?" Eren retorted back. "Will you be leaving anytime soon?"

"I want to get rid of the Underground. There are people who suffered under Grisha's reign, but the poverty still exists. While we cannot assist everyone, I will continue to provide assistance when I can. Although, I worry for your condition. Your body may grow back, but you've changed since we first met. You're not a kid, but I don't believe you're a level headed individual either."

"Fair enough," he said. "I guess I'm just happy you didn't kill me."

"In a way, I'm grateful I didn't kill you all that time ago," I sneered. "You know, I've had a lot of life and death situations. I've killed other people, bad people, good people, and even my own people. But for some reason, I have a strange fondness for you, Eren." Eren nodded.

"The feeling is mutual. I don't understand this feeling, just as I don't understand the law. I hope that I can find the answer to both of these. Perhaps, a re-introduction is in order," he suggested.

"Tch, that's immature. But, I suppose I can play along with a brat for a little bit. Greetings, I am Levi Ackerman. Pleasure to be your acquaintance, and you are?"

"The pleasure is mine. I am Eren Yeager. Be my boyfriend?"

I turned to Eren with a raised eyebrow.

"Humph, you're so immature. Did you even need to ask?" And I bonked him upside the head as Eren cackled before turning away feeling heat rise into my cheeks. "Yes," I mumbled. "Yes, I'll be your boyfriend." Mr. Clean bounded up the hallway and ran around before settling to walk between the two as they smiled towards a new future.

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