Chapter 3: Confrontation

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Eren's POV:
Levi made quick motions, sliding in wordlessly and walking towards me. I suddenly gasped as a prick on the nape of my neck shocked me. Yet, by the time I turned around, Levi's hand held an empty syringe. Whatever it contained now flowed through my blood in record time. All of a sudden, the room began to look sideways as if the world was crooked. Or was I tilting?

"It's time, Kirstein," he stated.

Levi jerked his chin, and Jean left accordingly leaving me a stumbling mess. Levi dragged me by my arm, turning my lanky body into a rag-doll of sorts. I couldn't even stand straight and simply let my dead weight lay on his shoulder. There were hallways and doors and doors and hallways. It seemed endless as things switched between gray and white like the world was void of all color.

But then it turned dark as we left into a parking garage. A single car was waiting, a silver Jeep that had two people already sitting up front. Levi roughly tossed me in and buckled me like a child. I could see now that a slim blonde man was driving and next to him was a joyous woman who had ruby red hair. She seemed almost too hyper as she twiddled a rifle in her hand and her partner revved the engine lightly.

"Set a course for the Northern warehouse, Farlan. It won't be long before the police find out we've left. Isabel, keep an eye out for any trailing cruisers," Levi ordered. Isabel giggled and gave a thumbs up behind her.

"You got it, big bro," she said as she popped a sucker into her mouth, cherry flavored. Levi shoved my head to the ground as we began to move. Light filtered in after a while as the steady sound of the running engine filled the silence aside from Isabel's nails running over the cold metal rifle. We were back in the city now, above ground where the city noises began to roar. Suddenly, police sirens blared through the air and Farlan carefully pulled over. The street parted away and in streamed five cruisers, their red and blue lights flashing like a disco ball.

I wanted to scream, to shout, to jump out for any way I could get them to notice me. Did they even know I was gone? Levi suddenly pressed into my neck, lightly rubbing me with his fingertips.

"Don't even think about it for a single second," he quietly growled. "I'll rip your vocal cords out before you can even utter a syllable." I gulped but said nothing. Farlan pulled back into the street, and we continued through downtown. All of a sudden, Farlan cursed and glanced in the rear-view mirror.

"Their radio signals are nearing. We've been found," he said. "Hit the road, Izzy. We got company." The sirens started up again, and I was jerked into the seat as Farlan floored the car. I groaned as colors sped by, the world blurred in a red, blue, and yellow array darkened by concrete buildings. The buckle locked as we swerved through lanes and horns honked at us from every direction. My head was starting to pound with a dull ache like a hammer was constantly banging on my skull. We suddenly pulled to a brief stop and twirled as Farlan shouted.

When I got my bearings, I could see we had gone down a wide alleyway only to be met with a dead end.

Farlan threw the Jeep in reverse, but the police had already blocked off the way and were clamoring out of the car with weapons drawn.

"Everyone out. We meet them now," Levi said. Farlan and Levi each pulled a pistol and Isabel tossed the rifle only to pull two more pistols. The buckle was thrown aside as Levi gripped my hair and threw me out of the car, pistol jacked above my ear. "Shoot, and he dies." It was a simple statement, but it made the officers waver. I squinted and suddenly became aware of who I saw. There were five officers altogether. I recognized two vividly even as the drugs were numbing my thoughts. Mikasa and Armin always stood out from the rest, their eyes determined to make the best of any situation. Beside them were three novices. A dark haired girl that had burning eyes that could devour yet croon you must have been Mina. The bald one next to her was Connie without a doubt. And holding up the rear behind them with a radio cautiously was a man with a soft tuft that could only be Marco.

It was a standoff of three against six.

"Release Eren this instant," instructed a voice. There was an unwavering threat that Mikasa conveyed, but Levi did not move a muscle. He cracked a grin and chuckled.

"Only a fool bets their bargaining chip before he's played," he mused. "I'm afraid he'll be staying in our care for the time being." I could almost feel the anger radiating off of Mikasa. Levi was agitating her to no end, but I knew that she did not want to risk my life.

"Don't think we won't shoot you right here and now. We have orders to trap you on sight and don't think for a moment we won't abide by our superiors," Armin piped in. Isabel clicked her tongue and laughed at the officers.

"Yeah? Well, we get to make our own orders unlike you government lap dogs," she said. "Little mutts like you oughta stay down." Mikasa stepped forward and screamed making everyone pause.

"Stop it! Please, just stop!" I cried immediately. I furrowed my brow as my ears rang but refused to step down. "Let's just settle this peacefully. Mikasa, just let him go, for now, okay? Levi, you can just trade me over and they won't kill any of you. If they do, then you can come for my life. Just don't shoot anyone, please. We don't have to end this with violence."

"Are you a delusional fool as much as you are a brat?" Levi suddenly retorted. "Violence is the only way to survive around here. You and your people are privileged, blessed with enough wealth to live in a happy little paradise. But, there are other people who exist. People who die because no one helps them. No one wants to. We fight for ourselves and anyone who can contribute, but survival means holding on to anything you can grab a hold of. If you can't get it, then destroy it. I'm afraid you matter too much to us as unfortunate as it seems." His gripped tightened on my hair as I fell to my knees, grunting as my tingling knee caps met the crumbling gravel beneath me. Mikasa suddenly lowered her gun. Her companions all widened their eyes seeing one of their best officers surrendering.

"You won't hurt him, will you?" she asked. "If I let you go, Eren would be alive?"

"No, don't listen to him, Mikasa!" Armin yelled. "We can't go against HQ orders!"

"Be quiet!" Mikasa cried. "I don't care. I won't fucking lose Eren ever again. I can't."

"Then we won't! We take him back now!" a voice screeched. All of a sudden, Connie rushed forward, and gunshots were fired. There were screams and red velvet filled my vision. There was a ringing, and Levi's grip disappeared. I couldn't feel pain, yet I could hear chaos around me. Someone's dying. I don't know if that someone might be me.

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