Oh god...

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Trigger warning- self harm, suicidal thoughts.

Patton POV
"Will you just leave me alone, Patton? I'm trying to work on this project so I can help Thomas, I don't have time to answer any of your illogical questions." Logan said with his hand curling into a fist and glaring at Patton who stood in the door way with a smile. But that smile soon faded as he heard Logan's tone. Patton walked through the hallway to his room with tears in his eyes. 'He probably hates me' Patton thought as his tears splattered onto his khaki pants.
'Maybe I should just leave everyone alone. Forever. No one will ever have to deal with my childish questions or actions ever again...'

-flash back end-

Those words swirled in Patton's mind over and over.
"Will you just leave me alone?" He sat in his room curled up in a ball crying his eyes out and occasionally telling himself that he 'wasn't good enough to live' or that 'he doesn't deserve anything in this world'. He didn't know why, but he just felt his soul fade away when ever Logan said something in annoyance or any mean tone. He couldn't pin point why, but he loved Logan with all his heart and he knew Logan would never love him back. Tears swelled in his eyes again as the thought of Logan rejecting him saying "You're too childish." ran through his head.He made sure his door was locked so no one could come in and see him like this. 'No one should see me like this, worthlessly crying without end' Patton suddenly got an idea, a terrible awful idea, but he couldn't help it, it was the only way.... he thought. His quiet sobs were heard from across the hallway by his "son" Virgil.

Virgil POV
I heard someone crying down the hallway and I quickly reacted springing to my feet and trying to figure out who it was, so I could comfort them. 'Well it cant be Sir sing a'lot, he's with Thomas. It can't be Logan, he never cries, heck he doesn't even smile....' Virgil quickly ran over his options of who it could be 'well my only other option.....' Virgil's eyes widened. He swiftly ran out of his room and sprinted down the hallway to Patton's room and put his ear up to the door. He heard quiet sobbing and a few sniffles. He knocked three times signaling he was there. There was no response. He knocked again. "Dad? You in there?" The crying abruptly stopped and Virgil knew what was going on and tried opening the door, only to find it locked. He started to panic, tears in his eyes he screamed for Logan to come and help. When Logan ran to him worriedly asking questions Virgil told him to just shut up and help him. "I can't try to pick the lock. I only need a paper clip or a hair pin." Virgil blushed and pulled out a hair pin from his pocket. Logan noticed the blush but didn't say anything about how Virgil had hair pins in his pocket. Virgil watched as Logan tried picking the lock and his breathing started to become more rapid when Logan cursed to himself that it wasn't working. Virgil had, had enough. He started to kick down the door and eventually the door busted open and Virgil and Logan rushed into the bathroom to see a sight no one wanted to see.

Patton POV
He eventually stopped crying and stood up to drag his feet to the bathroom. He opened the door and sat on the counter with his head in his hands. "I really should just die" he said to himself.

He hopped off the counter and opened one of the drawers on the right side of the sink. He saw it laying there.

The razor. His only escape.

Patton started sobbing as he took the razor in his hand and ran a deep cut down his whole arm. He made more smaller cuts along the bigger one down his arm and he started to chew back his sobs and bite back the pain, for it was the only way.

He heard a knock on his door.

"Dad? You in there?" He stoped sobbing and covered his mouth, making sure he wouldn't make anymore noise. He didn't want anyone to know. He heard Virgil knock again. This time more urgent and needy. When Patton didn't respond again he heard Virgil scream for Logan to come to him and help get in.

There conversations stopped when Logan tried to pick the lock to Patton's door.

Patton stood up instantly and tried to wash away the evidence and clean the razor then...


The door shot open and Patton started to panic and when he realized he hadn't locked the bathroom door, Logan and Virgil cane rushing in and saw Patton trying to cover up his actions.

"PATTON WHAT ARE YOH DOING?! OH MY GOD HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN BLEEDING?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF?! WHY??!!" Logan screeched while rushing to Patton's side. Virgil just shut his eyes and ran out the room to get the first aid kit.

"I.... you... h..a-te *sniffle* m-me.." Patton sobbed, grasping onto Logan as if he was the only thing keeping him alive at this moment in time.

Logan had a confused look on his face until he realized what happened.

"Patton, I did not mean anything I had said back in my room. You are special, and yes, you do ask silly questions, but that is what makes you special." Logan smiled "And that is why I.... That is why I.. love you Patton."

Patton's eyes shot open. 'Logan. LOVES ME?!' He stared up to meet a smiling face that belonged to Logan. He smiled back and hugged Logan tighter, but released as he noticed he was getting blood all over Logan's shirt and necktie.

"O-oh, sorry about your s-s-shirt." Patton sniffled slightly backing away from Logan. Only to have Logan pull him back, hugging him again. Virgil soon returned with the first aid kit. And Logan helped Patton with his wounds, while Virgil threw the blade in the trash so this would never happen again.

~time skip 30 mins~

Patton was sitting on his bed while talking to Logan about how glasses are clearly better than contacts. (get it? Heheheheheheh I'll leave) "So Logan, you said earlier that you...uhm..... l-love me?" Patton blushed. Logan looked at the ground blushing. He pushed up his glasses and stared Patton straight in the eye and said, "Patton I am not good with this 'emotions' stuff, but yes I do feel the attraction of companionship when I am with you. Every time you enter the room I always find myself wanted to stand next to you, and talk to you." Patton had heard enough and grabbed Logan by the shoulders and pulled him into a sweet kiss.

It wasn't a needy kiss, but a kids filled with enough passion to signal that Patton felt the same way.

They both pulled away and gasped for air, looking into each others eyes. "So what does this make us?" Patton asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"My research tells me that this makes us "boyfriends"." Logan said blushing even harder. Patton gushed "I could get used to that" and with that they both kissed each other again.

But little did they know, Roman, Thomas, and Virgil were sitting outside the door peeping in on them and smiling.

"You owe me twenty bucks Roman!!" Virgil screamed, alerting Patton and Logan that they were all watching them.
Logan buried his face in his hand and groaned. Patton just laughed and hugged Logan again


So how'd I do for my first fanfic?
Bad? Ok I'll go.

Logicality One-Shots (Patton x Logan) sanders sidesWhere stories live. Discover now