Dancing in the dark (slight prinxiety included)

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  It was close to midnight and Patton was awake staring out his open window looking up at the stars. He counted them one by one, counting on his fingers like a child. Occasionally he'd forget the number he was on and he'd start over, but he didn't mind.

  He heard foot steps and his door open, he turned his head around. Expecting to see Virgil or Roman, saying that they had a nightmare and needed comfort or something like that, he opened up his arms for a hug so they could jump right in. But no. It was Logan. His boyfriend for many months, Patton smiled at his state.

  His glasses lazily thrown on, slightly askew, and his neck tie, tied on wrong. 'He's tired..' Patton thought to himself. Logan closed the door to Patton's room quietly. And mumbled a quiet and.. slightly awkward "hello." Before he stumbled over to him, got on his knees behind Patton to hug him from behind.

  "Heya, Logy" Patton smiled turning his head to kiss Logan on the cheek

  Logan got up, pulling Patton's hand and spinning him around, holding him close and resting his chin upon Patton's head. (Patton is shorter)

  "Logan, you okay? This isn't usually like you to start dancing 'n stuff." Patton said in a quiet, confused tone.

Logan was never usually this..."touchy".

  "I just wanted to spend some time with you, and I did not feel like doing one of those "dates" so this was my 'plan B'." Logan stated swaying side to side, lightly holding Patton's hips [° ͜ʖ ͡°) hey now] so he swayed with him.

  It was slow and nice, quiet, a little breeze every now and then from the open window. Patton started humming "Dancing in the Dark" and he started humming louder when Logan joined in.

  Logan paused, backed up, and spun Patton around and went back to swaying, and repeated the process till Patton stated it had been getting late and they should go to bed, due to Thomas having an important meeting to go to the next day. Plus the song they were humming had ended so, yeah.

  Logan agreed, but didn't go back to his own room.

  Instead he stayed with Patton, and they cuddled all night till they fell asleep, in each others arms.

-time skip-

  Roman and Virgil had walked by to see if their plan had worked.

  To their surprise, the potion that they had put into Logan's drink during dinner had worked perfectly.

  And Patton and Logan were asleep, cuddling, and most likely going to be there for awhile.

  Virgil spoke up and said "remind me to help you make more "fluffy love" potions, next time you ask." Virgil simply put, seeing as it made the usually stoic Logan, into a cuddly teddy bear.

"Maybe next time I'll put one in your drink." Roman winked indicating he wanted to see what it would do to Virgil.

  Virgil playfully punched Roman in the arm and kissed his cheek, "dork." He smiled.


You: woah Duckey, I thought this was a LoGiCaLiTy book?!!!

Me: yeah well, I could help myself, I had to put some prinxiety in there.

Prinxiety haters: tHiS Is AgAiNsT tHe TiTlE!!!!!1!1!!!1!1!1!1!!!111!!11!!1

Me: deal with it *flips down sun glasses*

Logicality One-Shots (Patton x Logan) sanders sidesWhere stories live. Discover now