Part 1: Anxiety - Prince[y]

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I'm sitting on the floor of my room like I usually do. Yesterday was a good day, and I think I feel a lot better about myself because of that. However, I'm kind of worried and uneasy about the recent developments in those relationships. I don't know what they expect from me now since, yesterday I was feeling uncharacteristically needy. I'm too embarrassed to face them. I think I'm just gonna stay in my room and avoid them as much as possible.

After a few moments of chilling out in my room, I hear a loud, proud knock on my door. Oh no.

"Go away." I said in the same exact tone someone would say 'come in'.

Nevertheless the door swings open. The Prince himself graced me with his presence. Lucky me.

"Hello, Anxiety!" Loud and proud as always.

"I thought I told you to leave." He doesn't have a comeback, but he stands there with an expectant look as if he's waiting for something. 

This is beginning to get uncomfortable. "Why are you here?" I ask in an accusatory tone.

"Well, I heard from the others that you're paying visits and being friendly and nice for some reason, so I wanted to see it for myself."

Why do I want to kick this fake piece of royalty out so bad? I can't even think of anything to say.

"So, what, you came to see a show?"

"Well, no," Princey's eyes shift to the side. "I was waiting for you to approach me, but you didn't, so here I am!"

I really have no desire to spend time with anyone right now. But, even though I've given up on the notion, I always thought it would be nice if Princey and I got along. 

I sigh begrudgingly, "Fine." Princey perks up. "Is there anything you want to do?"

"Well, I always wanted to practice my swordfighting with someo- "


"Come on, Anxiety! My duty as a Prince is to protect, I have to make sure I'll be able to when the time comes."

"Okay, Princey, I know we're not the best of pals, but if you're trying to kill me, at least do it discreetly . . . AND DON'T LET ME KNOW! That's like, rule #0!"

"What, Anxiety, I promise the sword won't touch you."

" . . . "

"It'll be fun!"

This guy. Is unbelievable. But I can't bother to put up a fight today.

I sigh again, "Okay Princey."



The Prince smiles but something seems off, "Yay! Let's go to my room. We need to get dressed."

I assume he meant some armor or something, but no, this guy is way more disillusioned than I thought.

"ROMAN!" I freaking roar.

"I'm right here, Anxiety, you don't need to yell." He says, picking at an ear.

"Why do - how do you expect me to wear that?"

"Oh, come on Anxiety, it's just a little dress-"

"I don't like dress-up!"

"There now Anxiety, Thomas, Morality, and I enjoy it to great satisfaction."

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