Chapter 2

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From the moment he woke up, Yoongi couldn't ignore the strange feeling roaming around his insides. It wound its way around his lungs and tugged at his heart, prancing around like it owned the fucking place. It was a mixture of excitement, fear and a hell of a lot of longing. Yoongi clutched the bedsheets covering him tightly against his chest. He longed for Jimin's touch, for the feel of the younger's lips against his, for his warmth, his very presence, everything. Yoongi wanted to be alone with Jimin again and pick up where they had left off yesterday before being interrupted. And partly that scared the hell out of him. It also made him blush furiously and smile like an idiot (especially when remembering that look Jimin gave him in the hallway). Yoongi wanted to bang his head against a wall because why the hell was he behaving like this? What was he? 15?!

After tossing and turning under his sheets for a while, Yoongi decided to just get up and head over to the recording studio. It was still early (the fact that Yoongi was up at this ungodly hour just emphasized how stirred he was) and everyone else was still sleeping. They had a photo shoot scheduled at noon, which meant they had hair and make-up to go through starting from 9am, which still gave Yoongi plenty of time to work on his music. Whenever his mind was scattered all over the place (more like in in overdrive right now) music soothed Yoongi. Whether it was writing up some new lyrics to run by their producers and the rest of the band, or coming up with new ideas for the songs they were currently working on, music gave Yoongi something to focus on. It took his mind off everything else and for a short while all the worries and thoughts that would normally gnaw at him would fall silent.

Yoongi carefully tiptoed out of the room, so as not to wake Jin and, after making himself a mugful of coffee, headed off. The building housing the dance and recording studios was about a 5-minute walk away. Though he was not by any means a morning person, Yoongi had always enjoyed the short walk over to the neighbouring building, especially early in the morning. There was a certain sense of solitude that enveloped him as he walked around the empty hallways.

As he got to the small studio and sat down, coffee mug strategically placed at arm's length to his right, Yoongi was feeling pretty good – he was going to play around with a song or two and that would calm him down a bit. Except he soon realised that he wouldn't be able to do shit this morning. All his mind could think about was how Jimin would dance to this particular chorus, what he'd sound like while singing the bridge of that song. And that didn't help at all, because it just lead Yoongi to think about Jimin even more. About what they did yesterday. About how Jimin's heart was racing just as much as Yoongi's. About those dark eyes of Jimin's seemingly wanting to devour Yoongi. Even the mere thought of those looks he gave Yoongi wrecked him completely.

With all this in mind, about fifteen minutes after arriving at the studio Yoongi was literally banging his head against a table. He eventually decided to leave as he wasn't able to concentrate on anything anyways. Well, except for a certain someone.

As Yoongi was walking down the hallway that lead towards a set of stairs, dreading the day that lay ahead of him (rather, the moment when he'd face that kid again and everything that came with that encounter; if there even was anything to come out of it), he suddenly cocked his head up at the faint sound of music.

It was barely audible, but Yoongi was sure it came from one of the dance studios ahead of him and to his left.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he slowly approached the studio door and gently pushed it open. The music, Yoongi soon discovered, was coming from a phone that lay on the ground next to what seemed to be a black, fluffy lump with messy dark hair sticking out at the top of it.


Jimin was a nervous wreck. Yes, he had an audition and actually got accepted and would now be a part of this boy group the company was putting together. Yes, if everything somehow worked out they might just put their name out there and holy crap, they might just become idols. Actual idols, like the ones you see on TV all the time. If things worked out.

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