Chapter 6: interlude: snippets, part 1

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Grand conclusion of the day: Jimin was an idiot.

Simple as that.

Because he wished for so long to sleep with Yoongi curled up against him and had thought that that would ease the ache in his heart a bit. How in the bloody hell could he have believed that actually sleeping with Yoongi would've helped in any way?!

Because now, instead of spending time wishing for and wondering what it would feel like to have Yoongi lying beside him, Jimin's mind couldn't get enough of the actual experience. It occupied Jimin's heart and mind entirely. To feel the warmth of Yoongi's small frame pressed closely to his chest. To breathe in Yoongi's sweet scent, mingled with the scent of his sheets and the faint smell Jimin's lips left on Yoongi's skin. To breathe the same air as the elder. Jimin ached and burned in the places where Yoongi's skin touched his. He couldn't get enough of how smooth and soft his skin felt. Of how lean Yoongi's muscles felt as the elder lay on top of Jimin. Of his delicate wrists as Jimin kissed them. Of how soft the skin covering his shoulder was.

Jimin longed for Yoongi's body pressed against his own. He had craved for it for so long. And now that he spent a night with him, he couldn't get enough of it. Why, oh why, did he think that taking a single sip from this cup would be even remotely enough to satisfy his thirst?

Maybe he'd ignored said thirst for so long he had forgotten how strong it was.

The morning after the group's movie night, Jimin had slowly opened his eyes only to panic for a split second. He was still in the process of taking the world in and at first he didn't know where he was. However, his eyes soon fell upon Yoongi's face which was nuzzled to Jimin's chest. The elder was still sound asleep, his breath steady. Jimin wrapped his arm around him and brought him closer. He could feel Yoongi's heartbeat – a gentle, soft rhythm contained in his ribcage. It made Jimin unbelievably happy to be able to feel it like this; from so close, in such an intimate way, as the elder was asleep and completely vulnerable in Jimin's arms. Jimin pressed his lips against Yoongi's forehead softly and smiled. His breath caught in his throat and something was dancing happily in his chest as he took in that sunny autumn morning – he was in bed with Yoongi sound asleep in his arms. Jimin thought he couldn't ask for anything more from life.

As Jimin lifted his hand to stroke Yoongi's hair the elder slowly lifted his head and blinked lazily, squinting at the bright morning light coming in from outside. He looked up to meet Jimin's eyes and smiled softly. Jimin could've sworn his heart performed a backflip at that and couldn't help but smile widely at his hyung. They exchanged soft kisses in between hushed greetings. Jimin pressed a long kiss to Yoongi's upper lip before pulling back and proceeding to caress the elder's face. He couldn't get enough of looking at him. Of tracing the soft features of his face. Of slowly running his fingers over Yoongi's forehead, the line of his eyebrows, down the bridge of his button nose, over to the smooth curve of his cupid's bow and then his pink lips; then further down to his chin and back up, to stretch his palm out across Yoongi's cheek, rubbing his thumb over it gently.

Despite his past attempts to not look at his hyung while he was shirtless, Jimin still caught glimpses of him every now and then. But to see him stripped of virtually all clothes and so close to his own body that he could feel the heat radiating from him... it made Jimin's head spin and his throat go dry just thinking about it. The skin covering Yoongi's chest was pale and smooth and to Jimin it looked like marble glistening under the pale light of the moon. The elder's arms were long and slender, yet they held Jimin close with a fierce strength he barely dared think of until then. His collarbones stood out sharply against his skin as the elder leaned his head back and let Jimin kiss along them. Jimin ran his hand down Yoongi's side, from his cheek to his jaw, then his neck, shoulders, arms, reaching his hips. He could feel Yoongi gasp gently at his touch. Their legs tangled together more closely. Jimin's hand moved further down, over to Yoongi's lower back and then to his bum. He slowly ran his hand over it, savouring Yoongi's soft moan as he did so; he let his hand fall further down the back of Yoongi's thigh and lifted his leg so that it rested on Jimin's hip, with Jimin's leg now slotted neatly between Yoongi's.

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