Chapter 7: interlude: snippets, part 2

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Yoongi was hungry. No, he was fucking starving. Pride be damned, he was horny as hell and he wanted Jimin, now.

It was more than that though, even if Yoongi didn't care to admit to this part as much. Even if they didn't get to spend that much time alone together, Yoongi noticed that even the very presence of Jimin had an effect on him. Whenever they were together as a group, or even with just a few other individuals around, Yoongi couldn't help but sneak glances over at Jimin every now and then. He couldn't help it. That damned warmth freeloading in his chest area for a couple of months now always longed for the younger and tugged at Yoongi's heart and eyes, making them focus almost solely on Jimin. He could almost feel his entire body being drawn towards the younger, as if the boy were a god damn magnet and he, Yoongi, were a lump of iron. A small, infuriated and at the same time amused lump of iron that didn't even know what to do with itself anymore. And because apparently that wasn't enough drama for Yoongi to deal with already, that warmth took up travelling as well.

It would always start from Yoongi's chest; then whenever Jimin looked over to Yoongi and their eyes met, or when Yoongi would catch him smile while the younger thought no one could see him, or when he'd dance (oh god, especially when Jimin danced), goof around, laugh, walk, talk... oh to hell with it, even when he'd freaking breathe, Jimin could just draw Yoongi in in an instant. Yep, it wasn't even a question anymore. So that above mentioned warmth would dance around Yoongi's heart for a while, making it flutter and beat faster and somehow making butterflies swarm his entire thoracic area; it then moved downwards with an incredible speed, leaving behind a slightly peculiar sensation Yoongi couldn't really put his finger on just yet. It felt as if an arrow had vertically pierced his upper body, leaving behind a sort of dull aching feeling, that seemed to somehow burn softly at the edges. It left Yoongi feeling shaky and breathless for a fraction of a second before he realised that he needed to get a hold of himself. It made him close his eyes for a moment and exhale deeply. But it also made his breath catch and his heart quiver. Yoongi had no idea what exactly this was, but if there was one thing he knew it was that this feeling made him a fucking mess. Especially if you factored in the bit about the warmth not stopping here. Oh no. This sensation would only come to some sort of a rest once it travelled all the way down to Yoongi's groin area. Once down there, the feeling would somehow implode and make Yoongi really need a few moments to recollect himself. Yoongi was never more grateful for his love of sitting down, because once that warmth reached its final destination (only to somehow prance back up to his chest later on) it made Yoongi's knees shake and his entire legs turn to jelly and he was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to keep himself standing.

How in the hell was Yoongi supposed to function properly when he was constantly bursting at the seams with desire for that damn little brat?! How was he supposed to pay attention to the things around him, when all Yoongi could see was Jimin's eyes, the gentle curve of his lips, his fluffy hair that was always neat yet somehow messy, his arms, shoulders, hips, thighs, hell, his entire body - that looked like it was sculpted in marble by Michelangelo himself. Of course, it was that and more. So much more. Yoongi couldn't get enough of the younger's smiles, the sound of his voice, couldn't stop thinking about how good it felt to be held in Jimin's arms, to be touched by him. Because (as Yoongi had known and had discovered more of lately) Jimin had a naughtier, bolder side to him that only surfaced during certain conditions, but even then the younger always showed so much care and gentleness when he was with Yoongi. He would never openly admit to it, but it made the elder feel special. It also sometimes made him want to lightly smack Jimin across the head and tell him that he shouldn't be so timid – Yoongi wasn't made of porcelain, he wouldn't break that easily. But that was basically Yoongi just being scared – because no one had treated him with so much care and affection before. It was an overwhelmingly good feeling – to be cared for like so – but it also made Yoongi feel a bit uneasy. Because if he liked it, maybe he might more than like Jimin. And Yoongi didn't know what to do with that.

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