Chapter 3

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"I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my mind off of you"

Yoongi spent every waking minute of the rest of the day wishing he could just flick an 'off' switch in his brain, or have a lobotomy or something while he wasn't alone with Jimin. He couldn't form one coherent thought about anything other than being with Jimin. He couldn't recall anything from their early morning dance practice except for the smiles of encouragement that Jimin sneaked to Yoongi before and in-between songs. He knew the kid meant well, but all those smiles did were to make Yoongi remember their practice from last night and boy, he couldn't afford to keep thinking about Jimin this much. Not now. Not when the band had so much work to do.

Thank God for the styling session that took place before the actual photoshoot. During hair and make-up, you couldn't really afford to look around you (for a certain someone?) too much unless you wanted to end up with a brushful of powder, or hairspray in your eyes. Or something along those lines. Yoongi didn't really know. What mattered was that his entire being could stop revolving around Jimin for a bit and focus on what he was supposed to be doing then and there. He even managed to doze off a bit before the shoot.

Someone up there must have seen Yoongi's 'misery' and took pity on him because he ended up paired with Hoseok for the photoshoot. The younger boy practically squealed at the news and pulled Yoongi in for a hug, saying something about how much fun they were going to have that day.

Yoongi had always admired Hoseok's seemingly unlimited supply of energy and general enthusiasm. It complemented Yoongi's general lethargy beautifully. There was not one time when that goofball of a Hoseok didn't manage to make Yoongi feel better. Even if Yoongi didn't exactly show it at times. Hoseok was warm, giddy and loud. He was sunshine that flooded your entire being during a hot summer day, while you were out in a field, wind blowing through your hair. He made everything seem alright in the world, the warmth of his heart melting all you cares away. Yoongi couldn't help but smile as he looked over at Hoseok. He yet again found himself feeling incredibly grateful for having such a good friend.

'Hyung, what's with that goofy look on your face? Finally ready to admit your undying love to me? And in public, no less?' Hoseok laughed, jabbing a finger in Yoongi's cheek.

'Oh, shut up Hoseok.' Yoongi retorted, giggling softly.

'Love you too, hyung.'

The photoshoot went by fairly quickly and was entertaining for the boys as well as the photographers and other members of staff, with Hoseok trying to teach Yoongi how to dance like a robot in an attempt to squeeze some more poses out of him. Only one incident occurred during the shoot (which was probably an all-time record they would never again beat), when Namjoon and Jungkook managed to knock over a camera and the stand it was resting on. Luckily for them, they also managed to catch it before it hit the ground and no real damage was caused.

It was only once they headed back to the changing room after the shoot was over that Yoongi caught a good look at what Jimin looked like throughout the afternoon. His hair was parted so that it neatly framed the sides of his forehead, a little ruffled up (probably from how the kid always managed to comb his fingers through it when he was nervous, even though his stylist always told him off for it). He wore a plain white t-shirt underneath a black pinstriped blazer, paired with black jeans and black shoes. Yoongi had never been aware of just how much he loved the colour black until he realised he had to actually close his mouth at the sight of the younger boy.

If Hoseok was a big bowl of sunshine that shined right on you, hit you head on, lifted you up no matter how low you felt, Jimin was sunshine as well. Only to Yoongi, he was the warm thin rays of light that filtered through the leaves of a tree on a late summer day. Gentle, bright but not blinding, slowly creeping their way to you; caressing your face and your arms and your chest, wrapping themselves around the heart and keeping you warm and safe.

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