Chapter 8

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'Hyuuuung! You're doing it again!' Hoseok whined.


But Yoongi knew very well what Hoseok was referring to. He'd been spacing out on him. Again. He didn't mean to; it was just that he wasn't feeling well at all. And thinking about holding Jimin tightly in his arms helped him. If only he could actually hold him right now.

It's been about a week now. A little while ago the group was informed that the maknae line was invited to some sort of fancy, trendy wannabe reality show. Yoongi didn't know the specifics (not much info was revealed to any of them as the show was still being filmed), but it went something along the lines of: take a handful of celebrities and chuck them into a bush somewhere far off, in the wilderness. Add in a few competitions between teams, and bam! Entertainment.

Next thing Yoongi knew was that Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were packing a small travel case each and him and the rest of the hyungs were bidding them farewell as the youngers headed towards the airport.

It all happened so fast Yoongi and Jimin didn't even get a change to exchange any goodbyes in private. And yes, Yoongi was well aware of the fact that the whole thing was for a short period of time and that those little brats would be back soon, safe and sound. However, he couldn't help but feel a bit shaken up and he could tell the others missed the younger members as well. Hoseok most of all from what Yoongi could tell – he was left all alone in a room for three. Luckily for him, Namjoon had agreed to room with him until the others returned.

And so a week passed. An entire freakin' week passed and Yoongi didn't even really know when or how. The dorm was much quieter than usual and that felt weird to all of the members who stayed behind. It felt almost like they were all suspended in mid-air until then young ones returned.

It was weird.

On one hand, they say that time goes by very slowly when you're waiting for something. Mind you, Yoongi soon discovered just how true that saying was. Every day he'd wake up to find that he had to come up with loads of things to do (not that he didn't have enough to do already, but for some reason everything seemed much more in focus just now) in order to pass the time. Most afternoons went by with Yoongi clockwatching, waiting for night to fall and end yet another day. He soon discovered he genuinely disliked this state of limbo he was in; when the group was together they all had a schedule - they knew exactly what they were going to do, when and for how long. More often than not, said schedule was very tight and fast-paced, but Yoongi got used to that. Now that they had a bit of down-time, it just seemed like time had somehow stopped and everything was happening in slow-motion. Maybe Yoongi had gotten too used to always having a schedule to go by.

On the other hand, time managed to not pass and pass at the same time, even though to Yoongi it felt like he was standing somewhere outside looking in. From a point onward, everything that had happened while in this waiting stage blurred and Yoongi had to really focus and think hard in order to remember what he'd done yesterday, or the day before that. Everything seemed like it happened just five minutes ago and at the same time, it felt like eons had passed as well.

The elder even found that while he slept more than usual, he didn't wake up feeling more rested. On the contrary, he felt like he was dragging his tired body from place to place, day after day. Dear god, when had the seven of them become so accustomed to living with each other that as soon as they weren't all together it just felt unnatural? Yoongi laughed bitterly at himself whenever the thought whizzed through his mind. If only that were the end of the story for him as well. Because as much as he missed having Taehyung and Jungkook around, Yoongi soon found that what he felt because of Jimin's absence was nothing short of misery.

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