Chapter 5

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Yoongi had actually looked forward to this ever since they found out that they would have a weekend off. Taehyung and Jungkook instantly took it upon themselves to declare that they would have a movie night, alongside a healthily unhealthy menu which included pizza and popcorn. While he definitely wasn't the most social of the bunch, Yoongi enjoyed spending quality time with his bandmates. It never happened too often, given their hectic lives, so Yoongi always welcomed their once-in-a-blue-moon lie-ins, movie nights and especially cooking nights.

He was fiddling around on his laptop when Jin poked his head through the door of their room and told him to come over to the living room, as they were about to start the movie soon. Yoongi could hear the young ones squeaking over in the other room and rolled his eyes while attempting to suppress a smile. If he was to be perfectly honest with himself, Yoongi maybe kinda, sorta felt like squeaking a tiny bit as well. Maybe. Sure, they've all known each other for a few good years now, they've lived together, they knew each other all too well, but the boys never really got to experience a lot of the typical things people their age did – from things like going to uni and having a crap-load of assignments, to backpacking 'round the country, or foreign countries for that matter, going to festivals, volunteering to help plant trees in a rainforest and whatever the heck other things people in their early twenties did these days. And movie nights were most definitely on the list of stuff-people-do-and-bond-over, and Yoongi might have a soft spot for these sorts of things; because the bunch of nerds fiddling around in the other room just now were family to him by now and he loved each and every one of them. So Yoongi allowed himself to smile a bit as Jin's head disappeared behind the door, calling out for Yoongi to move his bum already. Yep, he most definitely had looked forward to this.

As he entered the living room Yoongi saw that most of the others were already strategically positioned near the TV. The TV was in the far corner of the room, across from what in Yoongi's opinion was the most awesome angled couch ever. It was wide and cosy and housed just enough large, soft pillows to make for an easy nestling during your stay. The couch was positioned in such a way that it formed a 'v' in front of the television set. Namjoon and Jin were sitting on the shorter side of the couch, munching on some snacks, while Jungkook and Taehyung were wrestling over who would insert the DVD into the player. They had refused to divulge any sort of information whatsoever about what they were going to watch, stating only that it was a must-see for them all as young men. As Taehyung pinned Jungkook to the floor in an attempt to finally snatch the DVD case out of his hand, Yoongi saw that it the case was decorated with the portraits of four young boys, the title written in large red letters underneath. By the looks of it, they were going to watch an American movie. Yoongi didn't manage to read the title in time because the maknae kept waving the box around, finally managing to escape Taehyung's grip after a few more seconds of vicious struggling.

'HA! I wiiiiiin! I get to put the DVD in and officially start our movie night extraordinaire!' Jungkook chanted, though he was clearly out of breath.

'You might've won the fight Kookie, but this is most definitely not over!' Taehyung shot back, a wide grin plastered all over his face.

'Gee, for a second there I thought you might poke each other's eyes out or something.' Hoseok added, as he entered the room, three boxes of pizza in hand. He placed the boxes on the small table just in front of the couch and flopped down on the couch.

Yoongi proceeded to sit down on the floor, resting his back against the couch, a pillow placed there strategically for added comfort. He was pulling a fluffy red throw off the couch and wrapping it around himself when Tae started to make sure they were ready to start.

'Ok,' Taehyung began pointing around, 'food – check, drinks – check. Everyone here?'

'Wait for me!' Jimin called out from their room.

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