Shopping Spree Dream

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I wake up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. Looking over to my left, Sabrina was squirming, about to get out of bed. "I got it." I whisper in her ear, rubbing her hair, "Just continue to sleep." She nods and lays back down in bed.

I've been sleeping in her room, next to her, for about a week now since she's been having nightmares almost every night. I sleep with her to comfort her. I haven't slept next to any woman since my ex. That's why I never slept in this bed, it's too big for me to sleep alone in so I sleep in a guest room alone.

I got out of bed, walk to the door, and open it. It was Tanner in his usual lawyer attire as usual. "Yo, what's up?" He smiles. I groan, "Man, what do you want? I was asleep." I open the door wider for him to enter.

"Well damn Gabe, good morning to you too. I just came over here to tell you that your father called for a meeting early this morning. Also, I got the new phone you ask for Sabrina." He gives me the box, "I put your number in there already, and the phone is already set up." I took the box, "Why does my father want to have a meeting early this morning."

He shrugs, "I don't know? I'm just simply delivering a message. He said hurry the hell up because he doesn't have all day."

"I'll be there in an hour." I sigh, "Have you heard anything about Dakota."

Sadly, Tanner shook his. "No and we are trying to find whatever we can to find her. I can't believe that the social worker let her run off. I made sure to get her fired. But I will you keep you posted."

I walk him out. Soon as Tanner left, I went back upstairs to my room. I took a shower and got dress for the day. I walk to Sabrina's room to see if she was still sleeping, she was. I wrote a quick note telling her that I was out, and I place some clothes that I had for her to wear for today, place her new phone on the nightstand and my black American Express credit card.


After the meeting with my dad at my parent's house about his experiences, I stayed a little longer so we could talk for a bit. "How have you been son?" My dad asks.

"I'm good. How about you Dad?" I ask. "I'm fine, just been hanging around this house with your mom." He smirks at me like he knew something was up. "What?" I raise my eyebrow

"Who's the girl that's been living with you? Is she the new Mrs. Gabriel Renzo?"

"No." I say, "Her name is Sabrina, and she's just a girl that I rescued from her abusive sister's boyfriend. She needed a place to stay while she is going to school. I told her she could stay with me until she lands on her feet."

"Hmm, I see."

"Yeah and tell Zach to stop running his mouth. Because I know-"

"Zach didn't tell me about Sabrina."

"Then who did- Charlotte?"

He smiles, "She never keeps anything from her Nono." I'm going to get that little girl when I find her.

I talk to him for about an hour, then I left. I didn't have anything to do for the rest of the day. I know what I want to. I grab my phone out of my pocket to make a phone call, "Hey, what's up Joe?"


Waking up this morning, I saw a note, a black credit card, and a new iPhone on my nightstand. I grab the note and read it:


Have to go out for a few hours. I got you a new phone so you can call me if you need anything. There will be a car and a driver outside waiting to take you anywhere you need to go for today.

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