Little Bird

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Today makes three whole months and Sabrina is still in a coma. It breaks my heart to see her in the hospital again. Everyone went out for lunch; I was the only one watching Sabrina. I can't eat or sleep knowing that Sabrina might not wake up anytime soon. I kiss Sabrina's forehead. I sigh, "Sabrina, please wake up for me Love."

I walk to the window, looking out at the city, praying to God that Sabrina is going to be alright. "Gabe?" I hear someone hoarsely say my name. I turn around to see Sabrina awake, smiling at me, "Sabrina?" I smile, running towards her bed, "Sabrina!" I kiss her lips then her face.

"I see that I was missed." Sabrina chuckles. God, I miss her laugh, "How long have I been out?"

"Three months." Tears begin to rush down my face.

Sabrina wipes my tears, "Don't cry bambino. I'm alright." She smiles, "Where's Dakota and your family?"

I calm her down, "Zach is running around this hospital. Dakota is with Charlotte and my parents; and so is Michael. They went out for lunch."

"We got full custody of Michael?" Sabrina smile

"After Keisha death, I went to court to get Michael, and I got him. We had a small funeral for Keisha, she's buried next to your mom." Someone knocks on the door, "Come in." I speak.

My parents walk in with big smiles on their faces, then Dakota, Char, and Michael run in with big smiles on their faces. "SABRINA!" They yell in unison, jump on the bed, and hug and kiss Sabrina.

"I miss you guys so much." She kisses the kid's foreheads. My parents hug and kiss Sabrina. A few minutes later Adam, Alexis, and Ethan come in with gifts.

After a couple of our hours everyone talking to Sabrina, visiting hours were hours were over and everyone had to leave. "Alright." I say to everyone, "Let Sabrina get her rest. You can come see her tomorrow." Everyone left, leaving me and Sabrina alone in the hospital room.

I miss her on the forehead. "I missed you so much." She speaks.

"Believe me Love, I missed you a lot more than you missed me." I hug

I stayed by Sabrina's side the past three months. The only time I left was to get some more clothes or for work, and only stayed there for about an hour. "Babe?" Sabrina whisper in my ear while I'm still hugging her

"Yes Love?" I whisper back, looking in her

"I had a weird dream while I was in a comma." She says, "I think I might have gone to heaven?"


I tell Gabe everything about my dream about Ma and Keisha, not leaving a single detail out. "Oh," I forgot to tell him about Paris, "and there was a little girl there too. She was beautiful and precious."

"What was her name?" Gabe asks

"Paris, just like Issy's middle name. She was so cute, and she remind me of Dakota and Charlotte. She always had a smile on her face, she was full of energy, and she love the outdoors just like Keshia when she was little. She told me that I reminded her of her mother and that I was pretty." I smile, "To be honest, she gave me a feeling that she was my own daughter. Speaking of which how's Issy?" She asks

Gabe gets up from his seat and look out the window, staring at the rain. "Sabrina," He sighs, "I have something to tell you."

"What is it Gabe?"

He walks back to his seat and hold my hand. A tear shed from his eye, "Sabrina two months ago, Issy didn't make it."

"What?" My voice breaks, "Babe, stop playing with me." I try to laugh but tears begin to roll down my face. Gabe was still silent, "Gabe what happened?" More tears rush down my face.

"She had a very high fever, the nurse who was taking care of her said that the doctors tried everything to bring the fever down. A few hours later she was gone. We buried her the same day we buried Keisha." I was silent for a while. Gabe tried to break the silence, "Sabrina if-"

"Get out." I spoke in my calm voice, not looking at him in the eye

"What?" He asks. "Get out." I didn't even look at him

"Sabrina if you want to-" Before he could finish, I pick up the hospital telephone and threw at him, but he dodged it. "I said get the fuck out!" I got out of bed, pushing him out of my room, "GET OUT!" I slam the door

I began to break and throw all the stuff that was in my room. As I continue to destroy my room, I notice something on the nightstand. It was a little rose gold rock with writing on it. Then I thought about when Paris gave me a rose gold rock like that.

"For you pretty lady." Paris smiles handing me the rock

"Aw thank you." I hand it back, "But you should keep it." I give her a hug and kiss her on the cheek.

"You remind me of my mommy. She's pretty just like you." Paris smiles

"Well, where's you mommy now?"

"She's in heaven with me."

"Well, you are a pretty little girl." Sabrina gives her another hug

She kisses my cheek, "I love you." She whispers in her ear, and it echoes on my mind

I read the writing on the rock: To the Prettiest Lady Ever.


My body starts to shake. Everything around me starts to spin around and was blurry. I quickly ran to my bed and press the nurse button. By the time the nurse came in, I was lying on the floor, shaking. The nurse gave me a shot which cause me to fall asleep.


I woke up to see Zach writing something in his clipboard. I groan, rubbing my aching head. "Someone's awake?" He smiles

"Hey," I smile "what happened?" He told me that I had a panic attack, "Oh, well am I going to be alright."

"Yes, you just need to control his stress. I think one of the nurses gave you the wrong meds." I'm glad that I'm fine, "Thank God we did everything we could to calm you down. We don't want you to hurt the baby."

I look at Zach mad confused, "I'm sorry Zach, what did you say?"

"Sabrina you're four months pregnant."

I can't believe it. I didn't think I could get pregnant after my accident. "How is that possible?" I ask

Zach shrugs, "Sabrina when was the last time you and Gabe got busy?"

"It was four months ago; I was in the kitchen. He was working and I was cooking. I dropped a spoon and I bent down-" I go back to the subject, "But how did you save the baby if I was shot and in a coma for three months?"

"Yeah, that was hard to do." Zach chuckle, "Luckily the bullet didn't hit the womb and you didn't lose a lot of blood to lose the child. And we've been keeping the baby well-nourished for the baby to grow."

"Does Gabe know?" I ask still with a shock look on my face

"No, he doesn't." He says, "I was going to tell him after I told you."

I hear a knock at the door. Gabe walks in, with flowers.

I grab Zach's hand and whisper, "Do me favor Zach: Don't tell him."

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