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Three days went by in the blink of an eye. I tried to keep occupied all the time to keep my mind of off my parents, but I couldn't help but think. Nothing was enough of a distraction. Daichi, had noticed that I was gloomy, so he actually made an effort to make me happy. It was a bit strange and infuriating at the same time. He treated me like a helpless child, giving me little encouraging smiles and making my favorite foods. It was really lame, in simple words.

Sharin'gun | 1lovecats

Hey, Chi

I'll admit that had forgotten about Hisato. I was so busy trying to keep my mind occupied that I forgot the only person that could really make me happy. It was bit relieving seeing his text. I had assumed that he was upset because I was mad at him, but that wasn't the case.

Are you really still upset?

I didn't know what to type, so I just continued to read his messages.

Chi, don't be upset over a stranger

Okay, that one hurt. I didn't consider Hisato a stranger. Were we strangers? I mean theoretically I hadn't met him, but I might as well have. I almost know every single detail about him. So it dampened my mood a little. I thought he was texting me because he cared, not so he could tell me that I was nothing to him.

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I was miserable for the next two days. It wasn't even my parents that bothered me anymore; I was just upset for some reason, and it bugged me even more that I didn't know what it was. As time progressed, I even become restless. My mind could not stop thinking. It was odd because I actually stayed up until midnight sometimes, but it didn't help anything because I still woke up at four a.m.

"Michi, are you awake?" I heard Daichi's voice outside my bedroom door.

"Yeah." I spoke gently. The door opened, and Daichi came in.

"What are you doing awake? It's ten o'clock." I couldn't really see his face, because the light on in my room was the lamp at my desk.

"I can't sleep." I turned in bed to face him. Daichi stepped closer.

"I thought you were over you're parents." 

I stopped to think. "So did I."

"Are you sure this isn't about something else?" 

"What else would this be about, Daichi?"

"I don't know." He leaned against my desk. "You haven't texted Hisato." 

I sat up in my bed. "Do you really think I'm this upset because I haven't texted him?"

"Who knows? You were really happy when you texted him." He smiled suggestively. "Besides, there's no harm in making peace with him."

I let out a long sigh. I hated to admit that Daichi was onto something. There was really no harm in trying, and at this point I was desperate for some sleep.

"Alright, I'll text him."

Daichi smiled at me, then said goodbye before stepping away from my room. I wondered when Daichi became so smart.

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