Rise of the Raven

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     Tears streamed down the young women's face as she dangled from the ledge, "Please, I'm begging you! Don't do this."

     The figure standing above her showed no sign of emotion, "You know too much for your own good. It would cause quite a few problems if you happened to slip."

     "I swear I won't tell anyone!"

     "We can't take that chance. Besides, humans would say just about anything to save themselves. You disgust me," the figure stomped on her hands causing the young women to lose her grip.

     She didn't scream. What good would it do anyway? Instead, she fell in silence, the only noise coming from the wind whipping around her. 'If I die now, would anyone care? I don't want to die. Not yet,' time slowed and the air became still.

     'Of course you don't. You've only just begun to live. You had so much to look forward to, but here you are, falling.'

     'Who are you?'

     'A mere symbol.'

     'I don't understand.'

     'I can save you from this fate.'

     'How can I trust you?'

     'What choice do you have? Trust me or die.'

     'I don't want to die.'

     'I figured as much, but you will have to give me something return.'

     'What is it?'

     'Your soul.'

     She paused for a moment before she managed to whisper, "My soul is yours."

     'Wonderful,' time resumed, and the young women suddenly felt a searing pain on her neck.

     The ground came closer and closer. Seconds before she hit the ground a soft blue light enveloped her body. She touched down gently on the ground completely unharmed. She looked down at her refection in a puddle at her feet. She slowly traced the new collar etched into her neck. 

     "What have I done?" on a ledge slightly above her, perched a raven carefully watching her every move.

     She heard the sound of two pairs of feet running toward her, and she ran as fast as she could out of the alley and down the empty street. In the panic she ran into someone causing her to fall back.

     "I'm-I'm sorry. I-I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

     "Not to worry messenger. It was partially my fault for not noticing you were there. Allow me lend you a hand."


Author's Note:

A new story! This time I actually have a plan going in, so hopefully it turns out better than my previous attempt. Any way, this is my first stab at the horror genre, and I would be grateful for any advice or criticism you may have.

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