The New Messenger

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     "You heading out?"


     "I'll come with, never know what kind of trouble you'll run into this late in the day."

     "You're just trying to get out of doing paper work again."

     "Me? I would never do something like that!"

     "Fine. You can come as long as you don't try to blame me when you get into trouble."

     "All right!" the two men walked out of the building.

     The artificially warm lamp posts were they only way the two men could tell the difference between the walkway and the road. After a near millennium of constant use, the lights had blotted out the stars. The sky was a blank canvas, and constellations were myths

     The streets were deserted. The human race didn't have the nerve to step outside. The only reason they were still around was because they feared death more. They came out because there were jobs that needed to be done. I guess even the primordial fear of the dark wasn't enough to overcome nature's deep set desire to continue.

     "So... um... what are we looking for exactly?

     "Shouldn't you have asked that before we left?"


     The first man breathed out a sigh, "Do you remember that thing I was working on?"

     "Vaguely. Did you get working?"

     "Possibly, but I need to be sure." At that point, they had reached their destination.

     The building towered over everything around it. The logo above the front door indicated the building belonged to the Sun Co., an electric company responsible for supplying power and lighting to most of the world. The two men watched the building for the moment waiting.

     Suddenly, a small figure fell from the roof. The two men hurried to where the body appeared to have landed, but they found nothing except an empty alley. From a ledge above them a raven screamed at them before taking off.

     "I guess that invention of yours really works. No normal person could have survived a fall from that height."

     "Yes, but we lost the messenger."

     "What makes you think that was a messenger?"


     "Good luck convincing the higher ups of that. A new messenger could cause a huge ruckus at the office."

     "Then we'll keep this between us, for now at least. Agreed?"

     "Agreed. Besides, it means less paperwork for me."

     "Except for all of the work you left at your desk."

     "Oh," the first man turned on his heel, "Hey! Wait a minute!" the second man ran to catch up with the first man. They walked the rest of the way in silence as though nothing had ever happened.


Author's note:

Midterms are finally over, so hopefully I will have more time to write. Once again any comments or criticism you may have is greatly appreciated. 

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