Paperwork is the Worst

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     He turned around, "Yes sir."

     "Have you finished that paperwork yet?"

     "Nearly there."

     "You should have finished already."

     "I'm sorry sir, but I had other things to attend to."

     "By that you ran off with Osmund again, didn't you," he was in trouble now.

     "Well um..."

     "The two of you are some of the best we have, but you have a habit of putting off your work and pursuing your personal interests," that was fair. Calls were few and far between, they were all dead ends any way.

     "I understand. I pass along your message," he started to walk away, but...

     "And don't forget to finish that paperwork!" so close to escape.

     Elden pushed open the door of the lab to find his partner hunched over a circuit board, "Hey Warren."

     "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?"

     "The higher ups think we spend too much time doing our own thing."

     "That wouldn't happen if they gave us something other than paperwork to do."

     "Well, what do you expect. It's not like monsters pop up all the time. There hasn't been a confirmed reported sighting in nearly five years," what were they supposed to do? After Nyx faded back into the past, attacks became less and less frequent.

     "Meaning they will come back with a bang."

     "Are you talking about the supposed messenger? It has been even longer since one of those made an appearance."

     "But do you really want to take that chance? Don't you remember what happened the last time one appeared?" the last messenger appeared right before Nyx reared its ugly head. Both of the investigators had been children at the time, but they remembered it clearly. The city still had't fully recovered from the chaos that followed.

     "Point taken."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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