Chapter Twenty-nine

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"Smith!"A nurse called from the hallway. Me, Mo, My Mom, Justin ( holding Anaya ) stood and followed the nurse to a room.


"Are you excited to know?"The doctor asked as she prepared to give me the ultrasound.

"Yeah"I smiled.

"What do you think it's gonna be? What do you want?"-

"I kinda want both"I admitted. "I mean, I'll be good with both"I added. She smiled before we began the ultrasound. I was surprised to see the small body appear on the small dark screen. There were quiet gasps. 

"You're having a baby boy!"She announced. Anaya squealed and clapped loudly. Mo hugged me. 

"Aww, Mom!"-The doctor turned all of our attention to my Mom who was crying. "You're gonna have a grandson"She added. My Mom nodded, wiping her eyes. She stood and came to hug me. We just held each other and cried. For the first time in a long time I felt at peace. Although everything around me was crumbling, I was okay.

* Three weeks later *

Ever since I found out I was having a boy, My family has went crazy buying stuff. My Mom and brother's newest project was designing the nursery. My Mom and I's relationship has only blossomed. I'm thankful that everything went the way it did, Because it got us to where we are and i'm blessed. The only part missing is Kentrell, He's being charged with murder, So he's not getting out anytime soon. It hurts because, as bad as he did me, I still love him. More than I ever did DeMarco. Just the thought of him makes me sick. I'm trying to progress, but i'm not going to lie, It's hard. Monet has really been there for me, And for that i'll always be thankful. She's always over helping and being the supportive friend she is. 

Mo, Anaya and I were in the living room watching a movie when someone knocked on the door. Mo got up and answered it. She took longer than usual. So I got up and went to see for myself who was at the door. My stomach twisted as I spotted 3three, Ben, Kd and boomer. They travel in groups-

"Mo, Close the door"I ordered her. She looked at me pleadingly. 

"J, They just wanna talk"-

"I don't"I said, Waiting for her to close the door. But she's as hard-headed as I am...

"C'mon Jaila, We gotta get this shit fixed"3three said. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest. I sighed heavily.

"Lemme go lay Ny down"I said, giving in. I turned around and went to get Ny. She was asleep on the couch, I scooped her up and took her to my Mom's room where I laid her in my Mom's bed. When I returned to the living room the boys had all sat down and made themselves comfortable on the couch. Mo sat next to 3three. I took a seat as well. I crossed my arms across my chest as I sat. There was a brief silence.

"Okay, What do y'all want?"I asked, Just wanting to get this over with.

"We need'a talk"-

"About what?"-

"You and YB"-

"There IS no Me and YB"I said sternly. 3Three sighed heavily.

"Well, You got'is baby right?"-I nodded yes. "'Aight, So we gotta come t'a understanding about e'rything"-

"There's nothing more to understand"I spoke. "I am pregnant with his son, But he made it perfectly clear that he wants nothing to do with me or our son. And that's fine, I don't need him"-

"I know he fucked up, I know J, But he ain't here t'defend h'self. We here though."-

"To defend him? That ain't ya'll's place. Like you said HE fucked up, Not y'all."- Mo gently touched my arm. I was fighting tears. "He ain't never gave a shit about me"I said, Looking away. I gently rubbed my small round belly. I sniffled as a tear fell onto my shirt. I felt arms wrap around me and I was surprised to find that it was 3three.

"We gotchu regardless'a y'all's terms. YB fucked up, But we gon' fix it. He stressin'bout it." He said reassuring me that everything was okay. I was overwhelmed, but having everyone there gave me a weird sense of comfort, Knowing I wasn't alone...

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